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Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller


Wellcome Website, Oct 1, 2015: Baroness Manningham-Buller is the first woman to chair the Wellcome Trust’s Board of Governors, and was appointed following an open recruitment process.  She was previously a Governor of the Wellcome Trust.

2015 - that’s two years after Sir Jeremy, took over as Director.  Sir Jeremy was, of course, appointed by the Board of Governors, on which Baroness Eliza was already an influential figure. Hopefully the open recruitment process was more open than your inquiry into bullying under yours & Manningham-Buller’s watch, Jeremy?  Or similar?   Forget about that - so what made you go for the Baroness - in all openness?

Wellcome: Between 2002 and 2007, Eliza Manningham-Buller was Director-General of the UK Security Service (MI5), and led the service through significant change.


Baroness Manningham-Buller:  I am excited by the prospect of working even more closely with the Trust’s director, Jeremy Farrar .. to plan an even more ambitious future for our work.

Two points:

1. Yeah, I bet you're excited.  You'd be licking-your-lips at teaming-up with Jeremy.  If global human data is currency,  which it is, Wellcome's data-base is a gold-mine.   Ex-Heads-of-MI5 don't change careers in their power-prime, go off, raise bees/chooks on an off-grid, self-sustaining plot ...  communing with nature ...  That's not exciting.   What's exciting is globalizing your power-cache.  Cashey-ing-the-fuck-in.    Enhance your position/image  - until death ... we still don't part actually - aka legacy thinking.   You might die, but your organization's thought-culture lives on.    This, in turn, will protect/preserve your image after death.  

Understanding that that's how it works in the real world is the key.  Enjoying the full pleasures life has to offer - at the top -  whilst making the big-decisions on behalf of humanity as your day-job .  Being a Player of influence ...  That's the kinda excitement that gets you out of bed everyday.

2. What the fuck does even more ambitious future for our work entail ..., exactly? 

Bear in mind what we're talking about here:  big-picture global security Big-Wig   - meets: Sir Jeremy:    globalist totalitarian regime advocate visionary - current custodian of mass-global-bio-data - gene-tech hybrid AI-human flag-bearer. 

That's a match made in heaven.  Here we have two (Oxford) people who understand that THE Future involves AI globalism coming, fast. It's what they spend their time/our money thinking about.  Not only thinking about,  but shaping, capitalizing it.  Knowing that this Future transcends all borders, all politics ...  otherwise known as Globalism ... One-Everythingism.

As a sociologist, i can report the only way that works is through global-totalitarianism.  I don't care what mad ideas of grandeur you have - whatever they are, they fail the beyond-the-pale test by a long, long way.  

Coz: philosophically, there's no come back from global-totalitarianism for human rights.  It's the same when you concrete paradise - once it's gone it's gone.  The time to fight that shit is now.  Not when it's already gone.  That would be too late.  Which is exactly the future-time-space Eliza & Jeremy et al are aiming for.   That space where: we've all moved on.

Covid, conveniently or otherwise, served to catapult forward what was already happening with bio-surveillance-wise re funding/real-world implementation/de-influencing the individual.  That's not a contentious statement.  I remember right from the beginning, it felt like suddenly being fast-forwarded, then trapped, in a bad dystopian movie - where the dystopes win. 

Try asking questions about Covid's origin, vaccines, you'll be demonized/banned.  Try protesting that on the street, we'll fine/beat/lock-you-up/persecute your family.   Always to keep the wider-community safe.  It's an unwinnable computer game that the ruling-class has designed, then forced people to play. 

Are you daring people to violent revolution?  Coz you're very busy closing down all other avenues to voice dissent.  Guess it's a lot easier in countries like Oz & NZ where gun-rights were taken away - from normal people, that is - not the state - they're armed to the back teeth.   Now we get to bully the populace without fear of repercussions.  No coincidence that Australia set/holds a bunch of world records for longest, most draconian restrictions.  Would the politicians have been so emboldened to introduce such radical security-state measures if the people were armed?

Deduction:  Covid was (deliberately or not) a power-grab by THE Science/Security Orgs.  Grab is not the right word.  Can't grab what you've already got-hold-off.  More like a booster-shot - shit - mixed metaphors - let's stick with grip - as in wrestling, you had an advantageous grip, you tightened it, drove that shit home. 

In this case, that shit = futurist vision

Entailing: AI x global-bio-data x gene-therapy - the dawning of the Hybrid-Era.   You don't need a 50 year crystal-ball to know that's the way it's going - but you do need power in order to ride it, shape it, control it, capitalize it.  Luckily, that's exactly what Dame Eliza & Sir Jeremy have with their control of the Wellcome Trust empire.

Which brings me back to this thought i can't shake:  Covid was such an enormous win for THE Science/Security Orgs (Jeremy, Eliza, Fauci, et al), was it really only a coincidence?  

We know WIV's location & the origin outbreak location was not a coincidence - not even the fab-5 Prox-O authors, that told the world it was a coincidence, thought that.  So it begs the question at least:  was the money bonanza  Covid uncorked a coincidence?

Or is it like it was with Anthrax, a deliberate release by scientists to get more power/money for vaccine research/global biosecurity-surveillance whilst inflating a fake fear of bio-terrorism?

At the very least, we can acknowledge that it's a precedental card-in-the-pack, that our visionaries, Jeremy & Eliza, had/have the power to play - that they know works brilliantly:

ring-a-ring-a-rosie - pocket full of posies - achoo - achoo - we all fall down

Manningham-Buller’s time in power at MI5  was marked by her terrorists-under-every-rock PR-push - which coincided with a funding-explosion for security surveillance in the UK.

Intelligence & Security Committee, 2003-4 Annual Report: Since the end of the Cold War .. the threats have become more numerous and varied.   ..  Initially, there was a belief, now recognised as misplaced that this was an opportunity to reduce the Agencies (and the Armed Forces) as the threat was seen to have diminished. .. The result of this reassessment process in 2003 was to increase dramatically the size of the Security Service.(I&S's brackets)

This hints at the Anthrax action.  There was a period of time, right about then, where pressure/common-sense was mounting to dial back the ridiculous levels of Intelligence & Security exemplified by McArthyism - an out of control, unaccountable, deep-state empire with totalitarian ambitions.   That sensible scale-back all collapsed along with 911 & the twin towers, & then the Anthrax Terrorist Attacks.  Anthrax we know for sure was an internal science-community crime - specifically designed to reverse the decline in funding for bio-terrorism security/vaccines (a goal it achieved in spades), that came when the threats were seen to have diminished.  

So, there it is:  Pump-up the scare-campaign/threats volume - in order to  increase dramatically the size of the Security Service - a tried & true formula.

Manningham-Buller was a leader in (successfully) advocating for this funding-explosion for security/surveillance services at a time when it was stalling.

Stocktake: The head of MI5 chairing Wellcome Trust, which specializes in AI/Genomics and bio-data collection/surveillance in conjunction with the CCP - directed by Sir Jeremy Farrar - the chief architect of the Covid Conspiracy.

That’s strong prima-facie evidence for the premise that Wellcome Trust is operating as a private, global security org.  Let’s see who else they’ve got running Wellcome?  

(spoiler: it gets murkier & murkier ...)