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Tedros Calls

From: Francis Collins, 1 Feb, 2020, 20:50

To : Jeremy Farrar, Cc: "Fauci, Anthony

Re: Teleconference (with Tedros - ducks-in-a-row exercise)

Hi Jeremy,

I can make myself available at any time 24/7 for the call with Tedros. Just let me know. Thanks for your leadership on this critical and sensitive issue.



From: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAIO) 1 Feb 2020, 22:06:26 +0000 (=22:06:26)

To: Jeremy Farrar;Collins, Francis

RE: Teleconference

Thanks, Jeremy. We really appreciate what you are doing here. Pleasure to work with you.

Best, Tony


What Farrar was doing here was:

taking the lead

on behalf of the planet

Fauci is a Scio-politics Hall-of-Famer - but he’s 80 years old.  Francis is no spring chicken either. 

Jeremy is 60 - in his prime. Time to assume the role of top-dog. What better way to do that than step-up in a crisis by convening strategy with the Prox Origin authors/Lancet Statement signers - and getting Tedros onboard - for the critical and sensitive issue of covering up the origin of Covid.


From: Jeremy Farrar, Feb 1, 2020 4:00 PM (UK-time?)

To: Collins, Francis Cc: Fauci, Anthony

We are altogether as you know! .. (A)lways great working with you both.


From: Jeremy Farrar

Sent : Feb 2, 2020 11:28 AM

To: Fauci, Anthony, Collins, Francis Cc: Tabak, Lawrence (NIH deputy-director)

Tedros and Bernhard (Schwartländer) have apparently gone into conclave .... they need to decide today in my view. If they do prevaricate, I would appreciate a call with you later tonight or tomorrow to think how we might take forward.

Decide what? Take what forward? All redacted. It’s there - but redacted.

So we have to speculate - whether we like it or not. Was Tedros hesitant to join the Prox O cover-story? 

Luckily Tedros & Bernhard didn’t prevaricate too much - not sure why there was concern - Tedros was already praising the CCP to high-heaven on Jan 29. Knowing Tedros, he's a slippery guy - may have been nervous about getting locked-in to the pangolin/wet market origin story so early in the piece. 

Why would you do that?


From: Francis Collins

Date: 2 Feb, 2020 at 10:27

To: Jeremy Farrar Cc: Fauci, Anthony, Tabak, Lawrence (NIH/OD)


I'm available any time today except 3:15 - 5:45 pm EST (on a plane) for a call to Tedros. Let me know if I can help get through his thicket of protectors.


Yeah - got any tips, Francis, on how to get through your thicket of protectors - comprising mass-media/cyber industry/the science community/99% of politicians?