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Springer Nature

Of course Nature deserves its own book - one day - meanwhile ...

Wellcome (on Springer's website):

If you are funded by the Wellcome Trust ...

Wellcome Trust Compliance

... Springer is the publisher of choice for your work and will assist you in complying with your funder’s policy in support of open and unrestricted access to research literature. (their huge lettering)

Great.  Can we get open and unrestricted access to the the Wellcome emails and texts discussing Covid? Only the scientific ones.

The cost of having your journal article and book published open access is covered by the Wellcome Trust. Please see the Wellcome Trust Authors' Guide for details .. and choose .. within the Open Choice program.

Dan is writing a book, The Refuser, set in 2084 - he'd love that language - you're free to choose within the Open Choice Program - or kiss your career goodbye.  It's your choice ...

You will be given that option as soon as your article has been accepted for publication after peer review, and we will handle the administrative process.

We will handle everything - basically.  A translational service onto the world's most prestigious science platform.   Or not. 

The whole funding/peer review circus is corrupt & broken.  It (potentially) caused Covid.

Springer Nature's collaboration with Wellcome is at the core of it.