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Thank-you Lancet, Billy, Dan
(Very under reconstruction) If your quest is to trace back Covid's Cover-up to its source materi...
Who am i?
I’m a divisive figure - though that’s not my intention Some people find me charismatic. Ot...
Secret Weapon
Before The State demonized me to death, i foot-soldiered for them until i was 48 - hailed as:...
I say The State, but meet one of the main-humans stage-managing the case against me: (Anytus...
The Kiddies
As a wise friend once said when i asked if his new wife knew he smoked pot: Yeah, she knows ... S...
Jesus Time
Time is divided into BC - Before Christ - then AD - After Christ. How many people managed to get...
Of the above, the manipulatable characteristic of Culture is the most pertinent to our story. ...
Expert Liar
by dulan drift, Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 09:06 - first published on Formosahut - thanks Dan Dom...
Go Faster
Go faster you’re too slow you’re not good enough go faster where are you going you’re too slo...
But i don’t want to knock media commentators - especially Bruce McErvaney - i love Bruce - he’s s...
Overused words
(under construction) (Game-poem: Guess the overused-word) Got this friend - great conversatio...
Let’s get Back to basics: something funny ... something we know works .. don’t need to re...
Academy Award
Let’s forget that - strip it right back: How ‘bout: THE Academy Award for Slap-Stick Co...
What is funny?
Right! This time i’m writing a poem that’s not too serious Ohh-kaay … gotta have some grav...
GPS Poem
Take DNA Causeway to Arousal Crest then head north on Horn Drive for 20 cm. Use the middle l...
The Legacy Years
We brushed on the bifurcation within MSC between: The Missionaries (Leary, Burke, Dodson et al) ...
Drone Update Poem
(under construction) Dzzzzzzzzrrrr (ascending drone sound - ding-dong alert on phone. Text: You...
Keeping the Fire Burning: Yves Moreau
With Australian Aborigines, it was someone's job, a woman’s job, to carry/nurture a smouldering s...
Genomic Surveillance - H3Africa
NIH (US): H3Africa (Human Heredity & Health), announced in June 2010, is organized and supported ...
Wellcome - China Kadoorie Bio-bank
by dulan drift, Sunday, July 25, 2021, 07:03 H3Africa is funded by NIH and Wellcome Trust. Sir ...