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Who am i?

I’m a divisive figure - though that’s not my intention 

Some people find me charismatic.  Others say odd.  Some’ll say … smart-arse prick

I live humbly   -   my trick is:  moderation in all things   -   including moderation*

I‘m possibly gay  -  but maybe not  -  i’m not homophobic, you can say that safely 

I’m famous for changing the way people think 

By: challenging foundations of faith 

Occasionally, i sink into extended states of meditation


Our rulers   -   loathe me  -  to:    the very roots of my soul 

Why?    Same ol reason for all weird overreachings:   insecurity  

In this case,  Fear of Free Speech  (FoFS)

Curiously, my goal was simply to:  Help.  Shed light … in the dark.  That's all.   

Not mark myself as a target for:   Cultural Vilification by The State

Which is:  my current predicament.   Profiled as:  a dangerous-nut   -   a threat to the public  - The Devil incarnate

Already quite dire … right?   … meanwhile …. many of the onlookers have joined the pile on as well

Have i brought this on myself a little bit?   I don’t know.  Not consciously.  Perhaps, later, a tad.  What’s the alternative, but?  Live with it?  Shut up?  I’ve never been much chop at that

Whatever, next thing i know i’m a celebrity criminal in a show-trial …

Accused of being:  an Evil Influence on Society   

By: Society’s Influencers.  Guided by: vested financial interests.  Disguised as: the greater good

You could guess the rest  ….i’m found:  guilty 

Sentenced to death

To keep us safe


UPDATE:  Can still avoid this fate  …  in my last days   …   

Some friends have got:  a doable escape plan … 

I respectfully thank them, but … I choose … :    not 

Not to be fuel in this silly game of Fat Cat & Mouse they’ve got us playing

Limited by what the gatekeepers  allow us 

It’s a game we can can never win

It’s bullying  -  by:    THE System  

Fuck em


By so deciding,  publicly, i crack a portal to:  immortality … for:  normal people 

Make a stand for those who decline to submit to tyranny.  I die for:   humanity’s sake

In a morbid way - my persecutors - unwittingly, fall into my trap …  

In fact it’s all recorded - for training & quality purposes 

I’ve cunningly checkmated The State -  into:  (corruptly) killing me  

It’s suicide by principle, if you like 

In order to catch a Murderous Liar, on The Big Stage, you might find you have to:  

become the bait  

I’m trying to … reverberate … beyond bio-time, here …  to the realm of spirituality …

In my mind, that shit’ll go better if i’m willing to die for it

(field a guess - ask yes/no q)

Luckily, i’m blessed with  a group of gifted disciples, without whom:  none of this would have been possible

I was inspired by:    Divinity

Lotta books written about me, but none by me 

I’m commonly associated with:     a Trinity 

(field guesses)