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What is funny?

Right!   This time i’m writing a poem that’s not too serious

Ohh-kaay … gotta have some gravitas though 

As a matter of fact it has.  But we’re accessing that with a Lighter Tone - quirky


Yeah … don’t go berserk though.  None of ya frightening stuff.  Something that might work on the slam-circuit.  Nudges the listener … not bludgeons …  

Maaate!  Nice Mind-lattice.  I’m ..   

Ohr wait:   gotta make it rhyme   …  

Right, so the judges’ll know it’s poetry …


& don’t forget ta repeat a line  - to amplify significance 

& don’t forget ta repeat a line - to amplify significance


Before we explore further, First Law: - we can’t be talking about: 

The C-word.         &/Or:   THE V-word  -  we’ve all moved on  

Got it.   Though … it’s been said that poetry is: speaking the unspeakable

Cool. But it breaks our Golden Rule:   not funny  

Weelll … it’s funny you should mention that … coz technically  …  it is:   it’s funny peculiar … at a minimum

How’s that ?

Bat Lady .. Batman .. & .. The Virus Hunter:  cook-up: a Super Bat Virus … in …:   

The Bat Lab 

Using real nicknames they’d already given themselves …

Holy Pandemic Potential! Hope security was tight …


Whoops … 

Relax - by chance, the Bat Pack had been working on:   the exact vaccine variant to fix it! 

& btw:  China’s brand of Totalitarianism is:    “open & transparent”


Huhhuhhuh!      Yeah-but  - you’d have to admit …it did catapult us into a dystopian Science-fiction Movie  -  including:  Draconian Restrictions on: all Freedoms  -  AI Surveillance - literally up ya gazoo  …

Yeah, how do they even do that sewerage testing? 

That too, but i meant the anal swabs they implemented in China   

Shit yeah, i’m wondering- 

That’s too dark  bro :  not funny

Agreed - anal recognition technology is going too far.