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257 total results found


Anthrax Bob Stevens

  Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The morning of Oct. 2 (Tuesday, 2.15am, 2001), anthrax was not on the radar of doctors...  Annals of Internal Medicine:  ...(when) a confused and febrile Robert Stevens walked into the emergency department of JFK Medical Cente...

5 Days Earlier

Anthrax Bob Stevens

    New York Times: (On) Thursday, September 27th, Robert Stevens and his wife drove to Charlotte, North Carolina, to visit their daughter Casey.  Dr. Barry Abrams/Dr Larry M. Bush, co-authors of Index Case of Fatal Inhalation of Anthrax due to Bioterrorism...

The Middle of the Night

Anthrax Bob Stevens

  Palm Beach Post: Maureen Stevens awoke in the middle of the night (about 2am) and found (her husband) wandering the house. He was stumbling, speaking in gibberish, barely lucid.  Atlanta Journal-Constitution: (H)e tried to dress to go to work .. was runnin...

JFK Memorial Hospital

Anthrax Bob Stevens

  Seattle Times: (T)he leading players on Stevens' team of doctors (were) Dr. Larry Bush and Dr. Barry Abrams, infectious-disease specialists, and Dr. Randall Wolff, director of JFK Medical Center's emergency department.  Dr. Barry Abrams/Dr Larry M. Bush, c...

 Dr. Larry M. Bush  - Bug Hunter

Anthrax Bob Stevens

  Atlanta Journal-Constitution: About 6:30 a.m. Oct. 2, Dr. Larry Bush, an infectious disease specialist at JFK Memorial Hospital in Atlantis, received a call saying his help was needed with a gravely ill patient. Esquire: Larry pads into the hospital shortl...

Maureen Stevens

Anthrax Bob Stevens

Palm Beach Post: Palm Beach Post: On Thursday (Oct 4, 2 days later), Dr. Jean Malecki - the county health department director .. - called (Maureen Stevens) at the house in suburban Lantana.  (She) had gone home for a short rest. We think it's anthrax, Malecki...

One Health

The Covid Atrocity Ch 1: One Health

by dulan drift, Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 14:42 - first published by formosa hut - thanks dan. In essence, The Covid Atrocity was committed by individuals seeking to centralize power within their globalist Orgs. The scio-globo-Org at the heart of this is One ...

GIDeoN - W. Ian Lipkin

The Covid Atrocity Ch 1: One Health

A thread amongst our Celebrity Scientists, apart from being pro-CCP, is the One Planet-One Health bio-data-base evangelism. For example, every chance Lipkin got in the crucial, embryonic Covid period - & he got a lot - he preached GIDEoN, a One Health Ini...

One Health Editorial Board

The Covid Atrocity Ch 1: One Health

Maybe it's unfair to single out Lipkin - everyone knows he’s up to his eyeballs in CCP collaborations - but one case is not reason to taint the whole One Health Initiative.  So how about the One Health Editorial Board? Looking at the list - there are some nam...

One Health Oneness

The Covid Atrocity Ch 1: One Health

By its nature, One Health wants to bring all world health organizations into its Oneness. It's lead actors are typically involved in several global bodies.  Take Peter Daszak for example: President of EcoHealth, on the Editorial Board of One Health, investigat...

Andersen, Holmes, Rambaut,

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance

When One Healthers talk about amassing the planet’s bio-data on a centralized system, the jewel in the crown is genomic surveillance capability. In plain terms: they’re coming for your DNA. (Update: It was instructive that Macron refused a Russian PCR test re...

Genomic Surveillance - H3Africa

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance

NIH (US): H3Africa (Human Heredity & Health), announced in June 2010, is organized and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Wellcome Trust, a global charity based in London. So; a DNA collecting initiative in Africa, currently funded...

Wellcome - China Kadoorie Bio-bank

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance

by dulan drift, Sunday, July 25, 2021, 07:03 H3Africa is funded by NIH and Wellcome Trust. Sir Jeremy has been Director of Wellcome Trust since 2013. Wellcome website: Jeremy is a member of the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE...

Keeping the Fire Burning: Yves Moreau

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance

With Australian Aborigines, it was someone's job, a woman’s job, to carry/nurture a smouldering stick when you moved camp - so you wouldn’t have to do the friction trick every time. If that stick was the embers of scientific spirit, then Richard Ebright/Simon...

Virus Hotspot

Covid Timeline - Towards Patient-Zero Timeline

Background: EcoHealth loved making hotspot maps of where they thought a zoonotic virus spillover would occur. The one place that doesn’t appear on any of these maps is: Wuhan. It should have been, though - with the darkest most foreboding red shading at the...

The Event

Covid Timeline - Towards Patient-Zero Timeline

mid-Aug-Sep 5: Patient-Zero candidate date - see Sep 12 below. Bear in mind that an accidental lab-origin involves community spread. That necessarily entails: a period of non-awareness from the patient/people at the lab he/she worked with the longer the bett...

Post Emergence: The Cover-up

Covid Timeline - Towards Patient-Zero

Nov 14: Goes viral - see above Dec 15: Ian Lipkin, WHO adviser, 16:44: I first heard about this outbreak on the 15th Dec from Lu Jia-hai .. who runs a large One-Health program - we have a program with Prof Lu - it’s been funded for about 6 months by the Chine...


Anthrax Rap

On the back of 911 - less than two weeks later in fact -  the Anthrax terrorist attack happened. Letters laced with the deadly pathogen were addressed to prominent politicians and press representatives - they stated: All all-caps. This created a helluva fus...

BGI and the Digital Silk Road

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance Our Simple Mission: To provide researchers and healthcare professionals with quality genomic data and genetic testing solutions, at rapid turnaround times with industry leading pricing. BGI Genomics is the world’s leading provider of genomic ...

Wellcome - BGI - Digital China Health - CONVERGE

The Covid Atrocity Ch 2: Genomic Surveillance

Jeremy Farrar, Director Wellcome Trust: Understanding humanity’s genetic code is not only going to be fundamental to the medicine of the future, it is an essential part of medicine today. .. The Wellcome Trust has invested more than £1 billion in genome resear...