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The Middle of the Night


Palm Beach Post: Maureen Stevens awoke in the middle of the night (about 2am) and found (her husband) wandering the house. He was stumbling, speaking in gibberish, barely lucid. 

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: (H)e tried to dress to go to work .. was running a high fever.  His frightened wife got him into the car and quickly drove the short distance up Congress Avenue to JFK Memorial in Atlantis.

Maureen took him to the emergency room of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Palm Beach County.

Palm Beach Post: (S)he found a wheelchair and sat him in it. It was .. the last interaction between them. 

The next 48 hours elapsed in that kind of slow-motion surreal blur that happens when personal disaster strikes.  She began to gather the kids, one of whom was overseas at the time.