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Jennifer Lopez - The Guardian

The Guardian:  FBI officers dressed in moon suits have been searching the offices of American Media - publisher of the lurid supermarket tabloid National Enquirer - since 63-year-old picture editor Bob Stevens died after inhaling anthrax.

Investigators in Florida suspect that foul play is almost certainly involved in the outbreak of anthrax at a newspaper office that has killed one employee and hospitalised another, fuelling fears that Americans have been targeted by bio-terrorists.

(P)art of the investigation is focusing on a letter that arrived at the company about a week before the September 11 attacks. It was described by sources as a "weird love letter to Jennifer Lopez" NBC: - similar, outwardly, to the types of mail the tabloids often get. 

Guardian:  But inside the oddly-worded letter was a “soapy, powdery substance” and in the pile of that a cheap Star of David charm. Employees said the letter was handled both by Stevens and Blanco.

AMI - an empire built on the screaming headlines and lurid stories of the lunatic supermarket tabloids - had yesterday become the panicked subject of a story most would say only it could make up.

Sources at AMI .. said the FBI has asked employees about any "enemies" the company or its papers might have. Given the content of the weekly tabloids, "that list would go on forever", joked one employee.