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The tumble-drier

David Franz, ex-Commander USAMRIID:  There was a sense that we, the military and civilian employees, were in this together; we were a team, a family. We not only survived, but also prospered.

Sure did. All of our Celebrity Scientists are cases-in-point. They:

  1. Rose to wealth/fame/power on bio-security events 
  2. Are calling the shots today 

That’s clear. The tricky part is working out:

 Which side are you on exactly?

You’d think it’d be straight-forward - western scientists working with western intelligence - Chinese with Chinese security. 

But here’s the thing about Covid - somehow

   -   it all got mixed up   - 

My argument is that the leaders of the science community came to realize they were all on the same page as the leaders of security organizations - regardless of their nationality. The glue, is centralized power wielded from a position of non-accountability.

We've already covered the Wellcome Trust leadership:

Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller

Paul Schreier

Gabriel Leung

They are all dual-purpose Science/Secret Security functionaries running a major Research Foundation. But there's plenty more where they came from. This chapter reviews several more Celebrity Scientists who fit the bill.