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An FOI action launched/persisted with/won by Buzzfeed/Freedom of Information activists produced these gems. Brilliant work. Keep it up. 

But try googling the source of that effort for humankind - the first page is dominated by FactCheck* assuring us there’s nothing to see here. The actual sources have been shuffled out. Again, shows you the scale.

(*The lying done by FactCheck, PolitiFact's Pants On Fire or the WP’s Four Pinocchios etc - in our moment of need - is a thread in itself. One quick example: 

WP’s Glen Kessler: I fear @tedcruz missed the scientific animation in the video that shows how it is virtually impossible for this virus jump from the lab. Or the many interviews with actual scientists. We deal in facts, and viewers can judge for themselves.)

Sir Jeremy and Dr Collins are the directors of Wellcome Trust and NIH.

Fauci, as we know, is director of NIAID  - since 1984!  The Fouch must’ve read that book thought it was a How-to Manual - he’s been at NIAID a total 54 years!  Hard to get more deeply instated deep-state than that.) 

This Feb 2 email - a day after the Feb 1 Teleconference - captured the atmosphere of the early days of Covid - which captured the atmosphere of the early days of Antrhax:

From:Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E)

Sent: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 17:13:03 +0000

To: Mark Dybul

Subject : RE: A connection to jake (Liang) (my brackets)


Thanks for the note. Sorry that l had to cancel. This is White House in full overdrive and I am in the middle of it. Reminiscent of post -anthrax days



Reminiscent of post-anthrax days. Yeah - eerily so. Seeing how anthrax was also caused by bio-defense scientists. Must have been a mad-scramble to cover that up as well, right? 

Whilst in the middle of full-overdrive, Fauci lobbied for, then rode/controlled the explosion in biodefense funding and vaccine research/use - due to Anthrax - to fight bio-terrorism

David Franz, ex-Commander USAMRIID (p14-15): The NIAID annual budget for biosecurity was increased from essentially zero dollars to $1.7 billion after the anthrax letters in 2001.

Which, remember, was perpetrated by US scientist(s) - who wanted to increase biodefense funding/power and vaccine research/use.

So it’s cool to get an insight into Fauci’s the buck stops power nexus through his FOI emails. The global health big boys. Fauci, Collins - they’re the God Fathers of GoF/Genomics - respectively. 

Farrar is their One-Health love-child.

A secession - like Socrates-Plato-Aristotle’s pursuit of the truth - except a dastardly version.

Researching Covid - it’s an endless flow spewed out from a system-gone-wrong. Way more than you could ever collate in a bunch of lifetimes. You get swept along by it - record what you can as you go...

At some point though, you’ve gotta start swimming upstream.

See who lives up there.

The emails show: Sir Jeremey Farrar was calling the shots. Brackets are mine unless stated. All emails from this ref, uploaded by Dan. Thanks to Buzzfeed.  -

Note: Have redacted the redactions - there were a lot. Included some later for analysis.