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Time-travel is real - i can prove it …

Australia's Original inhabitants time-travelled from 60k year ago to the 18-19 hundreds.  

Trick is: it’s not you, the human, who whisks-off through Time/Space,  so much as Time/Space comes to you.  It travelled to the Originals - it could travel to us from 60 k into some other dystopian future - via aliens/AI/hybrids/what-have-you - it could happen at any tick of the clock …

Time is … only a word - Anaxagoras’s  Nous  is a better word -  but Time, as we know it, was a concept invented by western culture, which defined it by metricizing it:

1. Clocks:  tick-tock-tick-tocking their seconds, minutes, hours away for Earth spinning on its axis - makes me dizzy thinking about it … Each revolution one day long -   Mon-day-i-got-Fri-day-on-my-mind … We set alarm clocks to it, take it one-day-at-at-a-time, work, knock-off, make dates, eat, watch entertainment, enforce curfews, go to sleep.   Spinning is The Days of our Lives.   But:   Seven days do not a weeketh make.  Weeks, months, years, centuries - the higher-ups - that’s a different force of physics entirely …

2. Calendars:  30 Days have September April June & November - all the rest have 31, excepting February  … which is a weird fucking month, that should be banned.  Calendars are Earth’s lap-times (sensational ones) - calculated according to our revolvement around Sun.  Which is a bloody long way.  900 million k’s.  Btw, don’t be late.  Meanwhile, Sun is also revolving around the centre of the galaxy at galactic speed - ends up you're doing 2mil+ k - sitting on the couch.  (If only we could travel that speed in a different direction …  you could get to Mars in 30 minutes)

There are two types of humans: 

That’s crap. I made that up, but spectrum-wise - we have both inside us, one is more, less, or so-so, emphasized.  It also fluctuates within us.

Spinning - revolving - both dizzying - are (funda) mental-input-forces acting on us.   It’s like, not like, it is, going on two different, scary rides at the Amusement Park at the End of the Universe - happening at insane speeds - at the same time … perpetually …  That’s gotta do ya fucking head in … surely …

It doesn’t somehow.  Sends you 'round the bend, literally - in a circular motion, it’s all bending - but it’s also the state we blithely exist in.  I’m doing it now:  typing at millions of k an hour whilst spinning like a top …!  Feels slower though.  Slow as a snail.  I wish i could go faster …   Sometimes i do have a spinning feeling when i stand up too quick, so that’s something.

But does it matter?  We're accustomed to it - it's innate - we don't feel it - who cares?

Ignore it, carry on is what the experts advise.  Understanding beyond that ... ?  Does Time even exist as a fundamental of the Universe?  I think not.  It's a by-product  of something else.  At best it's a misnomer.  Nous or Consciousness gets you a lot closer to  the origin of existence than Time ever will

Clocks/Calendars are empirical measurements  - they don’t capture Time/Nous’s essence ..  they downstream-register its existence on a machine: that’s all

The Originals had a good way of looking at it:  the Everywhen

Everything that has happened or will happen or could have happened … but didn’t … wells from the Everywhen … or doesn’t …

One fine day, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a breed-unto-themselves, welled up … 

When these universes entwined,  the Missionaries assumed the position of the Aliens from the Everywhen - come to Save us in the name of Jesus & The Blessed Virgin.  

This book is a look at what happens when Cultures time-travel/collide ...