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Who am i?

(under construction) I’m a divisive figure - though that’s not my intention 

Some people say i’m charismatic.  Others think i’ma smart-arse prick

I live humbly   -   my trick is:  moderation in all things   -   including moderation*

I‘m possibly gay  -  but maybe not  -  i’m not homophobic, you can say that much 

I’m famous for: changing the way people think.  By challenging accepted articles of faith. 

Occasionally, i sink into extended states of meditation


Influential Society   -   hates me  -  to:    the very roots of my soul 

Why?    Same ol reason for all alarmist-reactions:  Insecurity.   The intellectual variety 

Curiously,    i’m an  ignoramus    -    first to admit it  -   just some person -  thirsting to learn - by conversing with: The Experts  

I mean, how bad can that be …?

As it happened, quite early in my journey of inquiry, a pattern came to light:  our elites, seemingly, are not as wise as they would have us believe

Initially, i thought: they might be glad to discover the error of their thinking … lift the lid on it ! … in the spirit of human endeavour 

See, told you i’m an idiot

For the record though:   i’m simply advocating:   Information Openness.   A simple principle for shedding light, in the dark.   Not mark myself as a target for:   Cultural Vilification by The State

Which is:  my current predicament … profiled as: a dangerous-nut   -   a threat to the public  - The Devil incarnate

Which is   bad enough    but:    many of the onlookers have since joined the pile on as well

Next thing, i wind up being a celebrity criminal in their show-trial  -  you can guess the rest  ….i’m found:  guilty 

Of being:  an Evil Influence on Society   

Sentenced to death


UPDATE:  Can still avoid this fate  …  in my last days   …   

Some friends have got:  a doable escape plan …

I respectfully thank them, but … I choose … :    not 

Not to be fuel in this silly Game  of:   Fat Cat & Mouse they’ve got us playing

Where we’re limited by what the gatekeepers:  allow us 

It’s a game we can can never win

It’s bullying  -  by:    THE System  

Fuck em


By so deciding, publicly,  i crack a portal to:  immortality … for:  normal people 

Make a stand for those who decline to submit to tyranny.  I die for humanity’s sake


Luckily, i’m blessed with  a group of gifted disciples, without whom:  none of this would have been possible

I was inspired on my journey to  Infinity  by:    a Voice of God

Lotta books written about me, but none by me 

I’m commonly associated with:     a Trinity