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Peter Daszak

Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance - the Bat Cave of Calamity: 

Daszak was on the radar early coz he put himself on it - pumping the press as hard as Lipkin - with similar CCP COI's - reveling in the Celebrity Scientist persona.   Not dissimilar to Bruce Ivins with Anthrax (who was an FBI advisor on the case) Those investigating Covid knew Daszak was a goldmine of dodginess - the shock was when he was appointed as a WHO investigator - the sheer fuck-you-ness of that. We don't care if you know - we're gonna steamroll on...


Pretty sure it was @billybostickson sent me the link  - Raul Diego reported  back in July 2020 (when conspiracy theorist vilification was all-the-rage, Daszak was a mega-platformed darling of the press): 

In 2017, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a $6.5 million contract to a company called EcoHealth Alliance, Inc to carry out research on “the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in Western Asia”. Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva uncovered the Pentagon project, which focused on “genetic studies on coronaviruses in 5,000 bats”.  (Good uncovering by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.  Well done Raul for writing-it-up/spreading the word whilst crediting her.)

New York Post: (B)y far the largest donor to EcoHealth was the Department of Defense, which has given Daszak more than $40 million since 2014, almost all of it through its Defense Threat Reduction Agency, for the stated purpose of “combating weapons of mass destruction.

How ironic. EcoHealth was the weapon of mass destruction - potentially.

A former EcoHealth employee (likely Andrew Huff - @billybostickson has compiled info here) says Daszak disclosed some years ago that he had been “approached by the CIA in late 2015. (my brackets)

The employee believed that the CIA helped steer large chunks of federal funding to EcoHealth’s projects in parts of the world like China where they needed “human intelligence related to biological threats and capabilities. Many of these places are hard to collect good intelligence … Also, [the Department of Defense] was actively always asking for data, models, and analysis.”

The imputation is Daszak was spying for the CIA at WIV -  (to somehow stop bio-terrorism) 

Then came out swinging for the CCP when Covid broke. How could that be? 

Unless: their little bio-weapons spy games blew up in their faces. One way or another, the virus borne of that collaboration exited the building. Now whaddya gonna do?

Suddenly it made sense for intelligence agencies to be on the same side. For the sake of saving/increasing/entrenching The New World Order - which is the same as the old world order - but more United.

I don’t know. How would you explain working for the CIA against the CCP one minute - praising/lying-to-protect the CCP the next? 

Then the public-money-funded sham-investigations conducted by WHO and all other world intelligence agencies? 

Good News for Bad Actors: A lot of culpable scientist/intelligence folk are gonna walk away from their involvement in the Covid Atrocity unscathed.

The Bad News: Not so fast Pete. 

It’s not that you’re a scape-goat exactly, you’ve earned it, but you will be made-out as the rogue scientist acting alone to carry as much blame as possible - same as Bruce Ivins. So we can learn from past missteps and become even better leaders going and deal with emerging bio-terrorism threats

The Good Bad News: There will be a reluctance to investigate/charge you - due to you knowing too much - though maybe you’ll get the Bruce Ivins treatment - hounded to death without being charged - to avoid details coming out.

Go down swinging Pete - spill the beans on all of them now while you can! 

I don’t even know if escape-goating to China is an option anymore - you may well get arrested there at the airport. In fact, that would solve a lot of problems for both sides.