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Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller


Wellcome Oct 1, 2015: Baroness Manningham-Buller is the first woman to chair the Wellcome Trust’s Board of Governors, and was appointed following an open recruitment process. She was previously a Governor of the Wellcome Trust.

2015 - that’s two years after Sir Jeremy, took over as Director. Sir Jeremy was, of course, appointed by the board of Governors, on which Baroness Eliza was already an influential figure. Hopefully the open recruitment process was more open than your inquiry into bullying under yours & Manningham-Buller’s watch, Jeremy?  Or similar?   Forget about that - so what made you go for the Baroness?

Wellcome: Between 2002 and 2007, Eliza Manningham-Buller was Director-General of the UK Security Service (MI5), and led the service through significant change.


Baroness Manningham-Buller: I am excited by the prospect of working even more closely with the Trust’s director, Jeremy Farrar .. to plan an even more ambitious future for our work.

I bet you are. It’s this even more ambitious future for our work that worries me.  What work exactly is that? A power-grab in the MOU ring-a-ring-a-rosie - pocket full of posies - achoo - achoo - we all fall down?

As usual, Manningham-Buller was full of the terrorists-under-every-rock rhetoric:

Her time in charge of MI5 coincided with a funding-explosion for security ops in the UK.

Intelligence & Security Committe, 2003-4 Annual Report: Since the end of the Cold War, the demands on the intelligence and security
Agencies have changed significantly: the threats have become more numerous and 

Initially, there was a belief, now recognised as misplaced, that this was an 
opportunity to reduce the Agencies (and the Armed Forces) as the threat was seen to have


This hints at the Anthrax action.  There was a period of time where pressure was applied to dial back the ridiculous levels of intelligence & security exemplified by McArthyism - an out of control, unaccountable, deep-state empire - but that all collapsed when 911 & then the Anthrax terrorist attacks happened.  Anthrax we know for sure was an internal science-community crime specifically designed to reverse the decline in funding for bio-terrorism security. 

But, in a world no longer dominated by opposing super powers, new threats emerged,emerged, such as terrorism inspired by Islamic extremism, and organised crime increased 

Meanwhile, old threats, such as espionage, remained ever present.

You think real estate agents know how talk-up or down stuff -they've got nothing on security people trying to pump up their own paychecks. 

Terrorism is currently the biggest threat to the national security of the UK and its interests and the Agencies are operating in an extremely difficult and hostile environment.  As a result, we believe, of recognising that the scale of the threat had been under-
estimated, the Agencies reassessed the challenge presented by international terrorism to the national security of the UK and its interests. The result of this reassessment process in 2003 was to increase dramatically the size of the Security Service.

So Manningham-Buller was a leader in (successfully) advocating for the funding-explosion for security services at a time when it was stalling.

Stocktake: The head of MI5 chairing Wellcome Trust, which specializes in AI/Genomics and bio-data collection/surveillance in conjunction with the CCP - directed by Sir Jeremy Farrar - the chief architect of the Covid Conspiracy.

Must be a crazy coincidence - surely - who else they got running Wellcome?