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Hatching the plan

(work in progress)

The Jan 2020 Meetings would set the One Science lie in motion.  So what were the contents?

Firstly it wasn't a single meeting, it was a 3-day retreatretreat.

Key points:

Day 1: Fact Finding report presentations - what happened - assuming a WIV GoF event, but WIV was working with US/Singapore/German/French labs, so it's not impossiblepossible a foreign scientist carried it in.  Danielle Anderson was the last foreigner at WIV, right at the time SARS-2 is estimated to have originated.  Did she carry it in as an asymptomatic/mild carrier - probably not. 


Was leavesit engineered outside China, by Baric, then smuggled into WIV by an international scientist, say a Daszak (?), with knowledge of this GoF breakthrough being rumoured through the virology/vaccinology cohorters - but we can't do anything with it here due to over-regulation, but trust me, this is big.

The military games, or most likely, a WIV virus that escaped from WIV or another Wuhan lab - with heavy foreigner involvement on the GoF side - hence the buy-in for cover-up - lack of enthusiasm


Day 2: Narrative consolidation - same as SARS - wuhan market - let the experts decide

Day 3: Organization, mobilization of plan, Prox-O/Nature, Lancet Statement co-ordination, Feb 1 Teleconf, Tedros