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Who dunnit?

Recap: Pop question … who executed the Anthrax terrorist attack off the back of 911?attack? 

I didn't know - dan @ formosahut put me onto it. The FBI website states:

Justice Department’s Counterterrorism Section, expended  - hundreds of thousands of investigator work hours on this case - and conducted more than 10,000 witness interviews on six different continents. 

Wow - that’s a lot isn’t it?! A seven year Robert Mueller-led investigation - the biggest since the Kennedy assassination.  Guessing that involved a whole-lotta of public spondula - so Robert Mueller - so who’s dunnit?

 - drumroll …

Bruce Ivins

Yeah i’d never heard of him either. 

A US biodefense scientist from Lebanon, Ohio

Working at: Fort Detrick (WIV is the modern day equivalent) - a 30 year veteran. It gets better:

Ivins was an expert advisor to the FBI in their investigation. 

A very good one apparently

LA Times: At a Pentagon ceremony in 2003 (two years in), Ivins and two colleagues from USAMRIID (who i wonder?) were presented with the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian Service.

That’s hilarious. I’m sure they deserved it - the highest honour Defense can give ya. I kid you not. Of all the experts bravely defending us in the war on bio-terror you’ve gone the very-one who mailed the letters.

Either you're the greatest idiots on earth - or - you're complicit - which is it? I can't think of a third explanation.

Ivins: Awards are nice - but the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on line.

For mine, the real dissatisfaction is knowing it was a known known within weeks it was a lab-leak from Fort Detrick.  Each strain of Anthrax has its own unique kinda signature. The spores in the American attack were signed: Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab - Frederick County - Maryland.

Yeah … now might not be a very good time to talk about that - right when we are about to wage wars to fight bio-terrorism. How’s it gonna look if we caused it?

Motive: Ivins was a  co-inventor on two patents for quote a genetically engineered anthrax vaccine.  Two more for additives - which turned out the most lucrative

LA Times: In 2002, the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency doled out $12 million (to) Coley Pharmaceuticals for developing the additive. The company was acquired last fall by - Pfizer Corp. (2007)

Way to size-up a situation.

This acquisition is an important component of Pfizers vaccine strategy and reflects our commitment to research new and more effective vaccines to prevent infectious diseases.

Bruce’s big picture? Boost funding fa bio-defense research via paradigm disruption - createinject a dose of urgency - aan existential security threat - a market for that - a self-selling culture - fuck it - let's create the future.

His rationalization? It’s the only way to divert the planet’s trajectory as it hurtles towards self-destruction. We have the ability to insert ourselves into that equation - to take control - to save the world - as one would - for the common good - it’s our solemn duty as scientific experts.

Apart from the planet bit - which - as luck would have it - got more fucked-up and perverted - the rest actually worked out perfectly. Bio-science funded through the roof - aloof scientific experts  mobilized as total-authorities - on everything - overseeing global security on a centralized data base. To keep us safe, saying, we're all in this together - forever -  allwe responsible citizens needneedya to comply,  or you're all gonna die!

This is a crisis, all responsible citizens, who haven't fallen victim to misinformation, agree,  the new normal price of Freedom  - is Freedom.