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Who dunnit?

Pop question … who executed the Anthrax terrorist attack off the back of 911? 

Extra points: What was their reasoning? 

I didn't know - Dan @ formosahut put me onto it. The FBI website states:

Justice Department’s Counterterrorism Section, expended  - hundreds of thousands of investigator work hours on this case - and conducted more than 10,000 witness interviews on six different continents. 

Wow - that’s a lot isn’t it?! A seven year Robert Mueller-led investigation - the biggest in history since the Kennedy assasination.  Guessing that involved a whole-lotta of public spondula - so - Robert - who’s dunnit?

 - drumroll …


Bruce Ivins


Yeah i’d never heard of him either. 

A US biodefense scientist from Lebanon, Ohio

Working at: Fort Detrick (WIV is the modern day equivalent) - for 30 years. It gets better - Ivins was an expert advisor to the FBI in their investigation. A very good one apparently

LA Times: At a Pentagon ceremony in 2003 (two years in), Ivins and two colleagues from USAMRIID (who i wonder?) were presented with the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian Service.

That’s hilarious. I’m sure they deserved it - the highest honour Defense can give ya. I kid you not. Of all the people bravely defending us in the war on bio-terror you’ve gone the very-one who mailed the letters. Either you're the greatest idiots on earth - or - you're complicit - which is it?

Ivins: Awards are nice - but the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on line.

The real dissatisfaction is knowing it was a known known within weeks it was a lab-leak from Fort Detrick. Each strain of Anthrax has its own unique kinda signature. The spores in the American attack were signed: Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab - Frederick County - Maryland.

Yeah … now might not be a very good time to talk about wild conspiracy theories - right when we are about to wage wars to fight bio-terrorism. How’s it gonna look if we caused it?


Motive: Ivins was a  co-inventor on two patents for quote a genetically engineered anthrax vaccine.  Two more for additives - which turned out the most lucrative

LA Times: In 2002, the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency doled out $12 million (to) Coley Pharmaceuticals for developing the additive. The company was acquired last fall by Pfizer Corp. (2007)

Bruce’s big picture? Boost funding fa bio-defense research via paradigm disruption - by creating some urgency - a security threat - a market for that - a culture - fuck it - let's create the future.

His rationalization? It’s the only way to divert the planet’s trajectory as it hurtles towards self-destruction. We have the ability to insert ourselves into that equation - to take control - to save the world - as one would - for the common good - it’s our solemn duty as scientific experts.

Apart from the planet bit - which - as luck would have it - got more fucked-up and perverted - the rest actually worked out perfectly for Ivins. Bio-science funded through the roof - aloof scientific experts  acting as total-authorities - on everything - overseeing global security on a centralized data base. To keep us safe.  Remember we're all in this together - all responsible citizens will agree  in a crisis, the new normal price of Freedom  - is Freedom.