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On the back of 911 - less than two weeks later in fact -  the Anthrax terrorist attack happened. Letters laced with the deadly pathogen were addressed to prominent politicians and press representatives - they stated:

This created a helluva lot of anxietyfuss not surprisingly - great stuff if yer the media - which was at fever pitch - breathlessly reporting on scientistsexperts talking about Al Qaeda in crop dusters - powdering New York City with anthrax - killing hundreds of thousands.


The Vice-President’s advice was:advice: Never waste a crisis. Devise em if you have to. We’ve got the media feeding em Islamophobia multiplied by unprecedented bio-terror - it’s a no-brainer. Launch a payback invasion of Iraq while the tide is full - give 'em the oldgood ol' foil evil spiel - whatever - meanwhile liberating the oilfields oilfields


And so it came to pass. An invasion to dismantle Saddam Hussein’s - non-existent - bio-weapons of mass destruction program - to keep us safe - but hey - Cheney and the gravy-trainers made a killing - God willing - let freedom reign.


Julian Assange tried uncovering it - earned ‘im a life of one-everything security rammed up his arse.arse - now behind bars. A rare hero in all this - i’m thinkin it’s in his upbringing - went to primary school in Coffee Camp next door to Nimbin


Meanwhile back at the ranch, smashing the axis of evil involved soldiers vaxxed-to-the max with the latest in experimental anthrax-jabs. Now known as Gulf War illness. 


Which gets me to this: 

Amidst the commotion  there was another - lesser known - explosion:  

a silent one 

in science-funding - to fight bioterrorism. 


A mushrooming of BSL labs at dual-purpose bio-weapons/defense facilities - or universities - at your expense. On the edge of science and global security - secret projects meddling with deadly bugs to predict the next moves of our devious extremist enemies - the full might of one-science riding to our rescue - so exciting - then designing, delivering drugs, surveillance tech - to protect us. 


For example, in 2004, Bush signed Project Bioshield into law. Made a speech to mark the occasion

Bush: Project Bioshield authorizes $5.6 billion ..on vaccines to fight anthrax .. and other potential agents of bioterror for the American population. 


That’s seventh heaven for vaccine-scientists at least.


Since September the 11th, we've increased .. funding for biodefense research at NIH by a factor of 30.


Mate, you little beauty.


Bush: When I sign this bill, the Food and Drug Administration will be able to permit rapid distribution of promising new drugs in the most urgent circumstances.


Cool - so the murky emergency-use approval enacted  to fast-track Covid vacs was invented by George W after Anthrax?


Bush: I want to thank the Vice President for his hard work. He was the point man in the White House on this piece of legislation  .


Ok - i stand corrected - Going berserk on scio-bio-shielding was a Cheney sponsored venture - that makes me feel much better. 


How boutcha science right-hand-man in all this cash-cowing? 


Cometh the hour - cometh the man - take a bow Anthony S. Fauci 


Right in the thick of it - pleading for BioShield before Congress - a leading advocate/recipient - Fauch the Pouch - siphoned billions from the fountain spouting public dollars in the name of bioterrorism - it was the making of his NIAID kingdom. As he said:said at the hearings:


The accelerated development of effective countermeasures against terrorism requires a new research paradigm. 


I'm finding - with old-styleparadigm research - your new paradigm of accelerated development was a ticking time-bomb.bomb - that detonated


The events of September 11, and the subsequent anthrax attacks have changed, forever, how the biomedical community responds to emerging threats. 


Yep.You betcha!


We are now on a wartime footing and are compelled to modify the way we do business. 


Hell! Our brave bio-warrior general. Ready ta do whatever it takes. Btw, who are you doing business with again?

The Fouch: Biotech firms are our industrial partners - they are essential to countermeasure development.

Like Pfizer i guess

But they want some assurances if they are successful that there'll be a market for their product.

Guess they got it. Never mind that antibiotics work fine on Anthrax symptoms -  it was pure scio-politics - in-fact-in-the US at the time - there was a rush on Cipro - today’s Ivermectin? Guessin the experts are gettin’ wiser - by restrictin’ its availability - in our best interests. To lessen bio-state hesitancy. But i degrees.  


Pop question … who executed the Anthrax terrorist attack that ignited this funding-feeding-frenzy? 


Extra points: What was their reasoning? 


I didn't know - had to search it. The FBI website states:

Justice Department’s Counterterrorism Section, expended  - hundreds of thousands of investigator work hours on this case - and conducted more than 10,000 witness interviews on six different continents. 


Wow - that’s a lot isn’t it?! A seven year Robert Mueller led junket. ThatBet that involved shit-loads of the people’s spondula - so - Robert - i’m curious - who’s dunnit?

 - drumroll …


Bruce Ivins


Yeah i’d never heard of him either. 


A US biodefense scientist from Lebanon, Ohio


Working at: Fort Detrick. WIV is the modern day equivalent. It gets better - Ivins was an expert advisor to the FBI in their investigation. A very good one apparently 

LA Times: At a Pentagon ceremony in 2003 (two years in), Ivins and two colleagues from USAMRIID (who i wonder?) were presented with the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian Service.

That’s hilarious. I’m sure they deserved The- the highest honour Defense can give ya. Of all the people on earth to choose from in the war on bio-terror you’ve gone the very-one who did the deed. What does that tell ya?ya about your complicitness?

Ivins: Awards are nice - but the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on line.

The dissatisfaction is knowing it was known within weeks it was a lab-leak from Fort Detrick. Each strain of Anthrax has its own unique kinda signature. The one in the American attack was made out to Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab, Frederick County, Maryland.


Yeah … now might not be the right time to talk about that - when we’re about to wage wars to fight bio-terrorism. How’s it gonna look if we caused it? 


Motive: Ivins was a  co-inventor on two patents for quote a genetically engineered anthrax vaccine.  Two more patents for additives. - the most lucrative


LA Times: In 2002, the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency doled out $12 million (to) Coley Pharmaceuticals for developing the additive. The company was acquired last fall by Pfizer Corp.


Bruce’s big picture? Boost funding for bio-defense research via paradigm disruption - create some urgency - a market - the future. His rationalization? It’s the only way to reverse the planet’s trajectory as it hurtles towards self-destruction. I have the ability to insert myself into that equation - to change the world - it’s my solemn duty as a scientific expert.


Apart from the planet bit - which got more fucked-up and perverted - the rest actually worked out perfectly.


Bruce unfortunately had sacrificial lamb written all over him - took his own life in 2008 - an overdose of prescription medication - his wife found him lying on his bed atin his clothes at home - The FBI said it was set to execute an arrest warrant but he beat em to it. Thereby avoiding a messy public trial. He was assessed to be a loner acting alone. Case closed.


His colleague said: They seemed to harp on he was a loner. He was not a loner. …. He had a lot of friends ..


Ivins was around the bend though - enmeshed in the closed-society of the science community hiding in plain sight. Had a not-secret fetish for secret initiations of sororities - that included stalking - breaking-and-entering.


He also had direct access to the exact same anthrax strain. Would it have stood up in court - it’d be line-ball i’d’ve thought.

 But why was there no oversight of Mueller’s bungling investigation?


Bruce Ivins didn’t drop out of the sky - he was the result of a culture.

In this instance the science community - a close-knit society - unaccountable - monied-up - playing secret power shenanigans  with security organizations  - functioning with impunity - i don’t know much about nothing - but that’s a recipe for corruption. 


Further up the food chain at Fort Detrick is ex-Commander David Franz - the man in charge of bio-defensescience culture at the facility in the lead up to the Anthrax attack.scam. Ironically, hisHis next job was a UNUS bio-weapons inspector in Iraq. With his reputation sealed anas apresa moiwalking ledisaster deluge kinda scientist,area, he then assumedlanded a leadership role at at Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. That’So that’s quitea ahandsome resume.  His vibe on Anthrax is worth a look:


I think a lot of good has come from it. From a biological or a medical aspect, we've now five people who have died, but we've put about $6 billion in our budget into defending against bioterrorism.


I’d’ve thought a deliberate release from a BSL-4  lab by a popular-scientist might be a red-fucking-flag  for a Mad-scientist culture gone maddist - not a signal for a pumped up funding empowerment.  For fuck’s sake, it’s time to de-escalate, regulate risky bio-defense experiments, before you cause a catastrophic pandemic! Brackets - there were voices warning exactly that - Richard Ebright, Wain-Hobson - they got drowned out.


With money comes  the addictive rush of influence - the power - to entrench it - to censor/crush your opponent.  But where has that left us? 


Let’s at least - press pause - on this chaotic rush to discuss what you’re forcing upon us with this genetically engineered future - that was invented initially - of course - to counter the very bio-terrorism you artificially caused.