(Under construction) Bio-warfare has existed almost as long as normal war, going back to 600 BCE. The plague was weaponized in the Middle-ages, when diseased cadavers were catapulted into the enemy's ranks. In 1763, British Command ordered smallpox infected blankets to be handed out to hostile North American Indians. So it's always existed as a human dark-art - for those with the power, the will to go there - it's in our blood.
But then humanity had the perfect storm of WW2 at a time of scientific breakthroughs - it was anything goes. Japan's Unit 731 in Manchuria, with it's 3000 scientists - who engineered/released plague-infected fleas killing 10 000 Chinese. Back at the lab gruesome STAGE 3 TRIALS on POW's - inoculated with u-name-it deadly pathogen.
The UK was all for it - Porton Down Biological Research Centre's Anthrax Island bio-bomb experiments on sheep. The US was determined to be a world leader - it's how Fort Detrick started. Accused by the Chinese of Russia was into it. Funnily enough, Hitler refused to do it. He thought it was unethical. What does that tell you?
The US was accused of dropping cholera & plague bombs in the Korean War
Even Nixon was taken aback by the review he commissioned, first in 10 years, on his country's secret bio-weapons program, the massive stockpiles of deadly disease weaponsdisease-bombs they'd amassed - saying the offensive program demonstrated nuclear equivalence of biological weapons
the nutty airplane aerosol attacks they'd been conducting in major cities with a simulant substance. The scale of this unchecked, alternative universe of bio-weapons thinking. The potential of this to cause a humanity-shaping catastrophe. Nixon visited Fort Detrick to announce an end to
Bio-warfare has existed almost as long as normal war, the plague was weaponized in the Middle-ages, when diseased cadavers were catapulted into enemy's ranks, but during WW2, with the help of scientific breakthroughs, it was anything goes. Japan's Unit 731 in Manchuria, with it's 3000 scientists - it's gruesome experiments on POW's who were inoculated with you name it deadly pathogen, in experimentsPorton Down Biological Research Centre's Anthrax Island bio-bomb experiments on sheep. Funnily enough, Hitler refused to do it. -the plague was deployed against the Chinese in WW2 -- ebola ... an arms race to world domination - an industry within itself. Did it put some noses out of joint? The scio-security community were already a closed, unregulated powerful society - did they form an unofficial group?
(formed unofficially in 1941 - even Roosevelt didn't know about it
Loop-hole: 101: We're not creating bioweapons for offensive deployment - just we need to keep making them - so we know how best to defend against them n such.
Stradling both eras are Fauci & Franz. Further up the food chain at Fort Detrick is ex-Commander David Franz - the man who'd nurtured the scio-fear-mongering culture in the first place in the lead up to the Anthrax scam - a US Colonel no less. Doubled as a bio-weapons inspector in Iraq -
celebrityinsisting Saddam had bioweapons factories churning out anthrax, long after it was apparent he didn't. Celebrity scientist on MSM pumping bio-terror like his livelihood depended on it - obsessed with it - writing textbooks on the subject - the world's leading expert.
His take on the Anthrax debacle?
I think a lot of good has come from it. From a biological or a medical aspect, we've now five people who have died, but we've put about $6 billion in our budget into defending against bioterrorism.
Yeah, but where's the evidence of the good that's come from that?
I mean, you’d’ve thought a deliberate release from a BSL-4 lab by a popular-scientist ... to pump vaccines ... might've been a red-flag moment - for:
- a Mad-scientist culture gone maddist -
... not a champagne cork-popping moment. To celebrate the new era. A ceremonial turning on of the tap for all-you-can-eat funding trough for GoF addict scientists.
With Franz's reputation sealed as a walking disaster area/disrupter, he becomes a policy advisor for Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. Fanning fear of Bio-terror had been a funding sensation - but was waning - Davey's drafted in to instill a fear of nature instead.
Anthrax was the fork in the road that led straight to Covid
The sliding doors moment - where the adults are meant to say: What the heck is going on here? It’s time to de-escalate, regulate risky bio-defense experiments - before you lot with ya cahooting cohorts cause a catastrophic pandemic!
Oh, too late. Brackets - there were lots of scientists warning exactly that - no that's not right - few and far between in fact - Richard Ebright, Wain-Hobson, Yves Moreau - but they got drowned out by the One-Health show - that's a shame.
Coz with all that money came the addictive rush of influence - the power - to entrench it - censor/crush your opponent. But where has that left us?
Let’s at least - press pause - to discuss what you’re fating us with. I get it that you think you're very clever, but your installing a genetically engineered future that bans individuality - a surveillance-system invented initially - let's not forget - to counter the very bio-terrorism - that your community artificially created.
Now here we go with Covid - making the same mistake again - only bigger - as Georg Hegel once said - the greatest lesson history teaches us is:
we never learn the lesson
So guessing we're stuck in your flat-earth world - altered/shaped/shackled by a premise that is: not real. Living-the-lie in a hijacked reality, that's dictated to us ...
It didn't/doesn't have to be like this.
We can still get it back. But we better get cracking.