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Secret Weapon


Before The State demonized me to death, i foot-soldiered until i was 48 - hailed as:  a war hero   

According to the historians, i’m tall, strong, courageous - cool in pressure situations - known for my endurance

If that sounds sexy  - sorry to ruin it:  i’m … uglyno asoil sinpainting


Now that i find myself re-embedded  in civilized society, i still feel like an outsider

Of course, the horrors of war follow you home, but a side-effect of accepting that as a reality, is: it dissolves a lotta other bs in ya head 

Leaving a residual ability to detect:  fake projecting 

An active interest in it.  It’s this same inquisitiveness that provoked the furious headwind of intellectual hostility 

Ironically,    i’m an  ignoramus    -   first to admit it  -   just some bloke -  thirsting to learn - by conversing with: The Experts  

How bad can that be …?


As it happened … quite early in my journey of inquiry - a pattern formed:  our elites, are, seemingly, not as wise as they would have us believe

Initially, i thought: they might be glad to discover the error of their thinking … in the spirit of human endeavour … !  Together lift the lid on it !


See, told you i’m an idiot


I don’t seek conflict, the opposite, but inevitably, i end up contributing to it

Therefore i am … reporting live from:  the-thick-of-it.

In this .. hostile .. struggle/mess, my secret weapon is:    

a Question

Life is, in my (imperfect) estimation, a wondrous Investigation

A… a mystery … to be unravelledunravelled.  One question, one (valid) answer, one piece of the puzzle at a time 

I’m somewhat anal re: nailing down the details  -  stripping back the hypocritical crap - to illuminate:    actual truth

Which’ll usually bear, no resemblance to:  The Official Version

For making that observation,  The State narrated me as:  an activist nuisance  -  a polluter of youth  -  a disease to be eradicated
