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Secret Weapon

Before The State demonized me to death, i foot-soldiered until i was 48 - hailed as:  a war hero   

Tall,According to my bio, i’m tall, strong, courageous.courageous Cool- cool in pressure situations - known for my endurance

If that sounds sexy  - sorry to ruin it:  i’m … ugly as sin

Now that i find myself re-ensconcedembedded  in civilized society, i still feel like an outsider

Of course, the horrors of war follow you home, but a side-effect of accepting that as a reality, is: they dissolve a lotta other bs in ya mindhead 

Leaving a residual ability to detect:  fake projecting 

An active interest in it.  It’s this same inquisitiveness that provoked all the furious headwind of intellectual insecurity 

Curiously,Ironically,    i’m an  ignoramus    -   first to admit it  -   just some personbloke -  thirsting to learn - by conversing, openly,conversing with: The Experts  

How bad can that be …?

As it happened, quite early in my journey of inquiry, a pattern came to light:formed:  our elites, are, seemingly, not as wise as they would have us believe

Initially, i thought: they might be glad to discover the error of their thinking …  … in the spirit of human endeavour … ! together Together lift the lid on it !

See, told you i’m an idiot

None-the-less,So here i am, stuck in the thick-of-it.  As i bungle through this .. hostile .. struggle/mess, my secret weapon , against the aggression, is:  

a Question

Life is, in my estimation:  a wondrous Investigation

A mystery … to be unravelled …   One question, one (straight) answer, one piece of the puzzle at a time … 

I’m somewhat anal re: nailing down the details  -  honingstripping inback on:the hypocritical crap - to get at:    thethe actual truth of the matter

Which usually bears no resemblance,resemblance whatsoever,to: to The Official Version 

I’mFor thusmaking describedthat as:observation,  The State branded me: an activist nuisance


It’sa whycorrupter of youthThe State- labelleda me:pest anto evilbe influence on the youtheradicated

Can’t have them questioning the wisdom of the system

I say The State, but the main-man stage-managing the case against me is a wealthy son of an industry mogul - which is the reason he was made: general of a war fleet 

How did he handle himself in the heat of battle?  Well … 10 years ago, he was charged with: treason - for: failing to fire a shot when everyone was relying on him to complete his mission

But here’s the real beauty of money - he got off.  Why? ... : he bribed the jury - literally the first human to ever do it.   A true visionary.  Living proof thatthat: being Being a politician of means means … is … never having to feel contrition     (Anytus)

Once the verdict was in,  i was given a chance to:    Beg  The Mercy of THE Court  

What punishment ought you get for your crimes, then, in your opinion?

I was meant to recant, say: exile.   Give everyone a way out

But to hell with that.  I replied: 

How ‘bout a Gov-government-paid stipendstipend:   for:in   the rest of my lifeperpetuity …  ?

Pretty nice deal on your side, i’I'm already seventy … so ….great deal financially for ya tax-funded ORG entity

Make it in appreciation of how well i’ve(redacted) fought,fought - for free, - to exposereveal a threat to public health & safety:safety.  Specifically:   The Establishment’s Group-ThoughtThought-Control  mentality… 


They didn’t go for that.that, as we know, due to their roiling malice.  I didn’t repent.  Finally, I prophesize: Sure, it’ll feel great, when you initially get rid of me …  but taking an innocent man’s life away … coz … he questioned your reasoning …?  

Despite all your public Messaging,  that shit’s destined for infamy in the gaze of history


The end was:   a poisoned chalice   -  hemlock   -  concocted by the resident alchemist 

He was trying to administer it, but was nervous as fuck - finally i said: It’s ok, give it here -  i'll drink it myself

By so doing, i transcend death 

With my last breath i say : i owe a cockerel to Asclepius (the last mortalperson to become a God*)  -  don’t forget to pay it

ItMy worked.friend didn’t forget.  & … it worked!   Lurking from beyond the grave, I continue tostill play a pivotal role in:   THE Golden Age of Philosophy

Schools of which willwhich’ll run fine for another: 900 years after i’m bodilyphysically gone

Right up until the Dark Ages 





Ans: Socrates

* Anytus - born to money princeling - failed military leader charged with treason - jury briber - political elite - driving force in the case against Socrates

* Asclepius - Greek God of Medicine (son of Apollo)Apollo) was a mortal who became immortalized as a God.  Gifted doctor in real life -  could reputedly resurrect the dead … (possible if you knew CPR)

At length Zeus, afraid that Asclepius might render all men immortal, slew him with a thunderbolt