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(under construction) Before iThe wasState demonized byme Theto State,death, i foot-soldiered until i was 48 - hailed as:  a war hero   

Tall, strong, athleticcourageous. - coolCool in pressure situations - courageous - known for my endurance

If that sounds sexy  - sorry to ruin it: i’m ugly as sin


Now that i find myself backre-ensconced in civilized society, i still feel like an outsider

Of course, the horrors of war followedfollow meyou home,  but as a side-effect, they dissolvedissolved a lotta bs in my mind, re other issues of public discussionmind 

ALeft a residual ability to detect fake projecting.  An active interest in uncoveringhoning in on it

It’s this same inquisitiveness that seems to causeprovokes all the hostility  


In this hostile environment, my secret weapon is:  a Question

Aimed to:at:   shineshining a light on the truthtruth.   

One detail at a time … 

That’s why The State labelled me: an evil influence on the youth


I say The State, but the main-man stage-managing the case against me,me is a wealthy son of an industry baronmogul - which is the reason he was originally made general of a generalwar fleet 

How did he distinguishhandle himself? Well … 10 years ago, he was charged with treason - forfor: failing to fire a shot when everyone was relying on him to complete his mission

But here’s the real beauty of money - he got off coz- coz: he bribed the jury - literally the first person in historyhuman to ever do itit.  


Nowtrue he’svisionary. got meLiving inproof histhat sightsbeing a politician is never having to feel contrition


Once the verdict was in,  i was given a chance to:    Beg  

The Mercy of THE Court  

What punishment ought you get for your crimes, then, in your opinion?


I was meant to recant, say: exileexile.   Give everyone a way out

But to hell with that  … I replied: 

How ‘bout a Gov-paid stipend for:    the rest of my life …  ?

In appreciation of how well i’ve fought, for free, to uncover corruption at the core of:   The Establishment’s Group-Thought  mentality…


They didn’t go for that - as we know - though in a morbid way - the conspirators unwittingly fell into my trap …  

I’d successfully checkmated The State into:  (wrongly) killing me  

Suicide by principle, if you like

I  prophesize (correctly) at the trial that: Yeah, for a while it’ll feel great, when you finally get rid of me,  but taking an innocent man’s life away … coz … he questioned your reasoning?  

Despite all your public Messaging,  that shit’s destined to get ugly, real quickly, in the gaze of history


Death was:   a poisoned chalice   -  hemlock 

Concocted by the resident alchemist 

He was trying to administer it, but was nervous as fuck - finally i said - give it here -  i'll drink it myself

By so doing, i transcend death 

I guessed i might, that’s why i say with my last words were:breath: i owe a cockerel to Asclepius*

don’t forget to pay it

From beyond the grave, I continue to play a pivotal role in the:   THE Golden Age of Philosophy

Schools of which will run greatfine for another: 900 years after my passing

Right up until the Dark Ages 

The End

Ans: Socrates