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(under construction) My secret weapon is:  a Question

That’s the essence of what whipped The State  into such a state of fear over my little venture … to reveal the truth

Oneone detail at a time

Before that, i foot-soldiered until i was 48 - hailed as:  a war hero   

Tall, strong, athletic -  cool in pressure situations - courageous - known for my endurance

If that sounds sexy  - sorry to ruin it: i’m ugly as sin 


Once my sentence was passed,  i was given a chance to:    beg:  

The Mercy of THE Court  

What punishment doought you suggest you ought to receive for your crimes, then?then, in your opinion?

I was supposed to backflip at this juncture, say exile

Ahrr  … How about:   a Gov-paid stipend for:    the rest of my life …  ?

In appreciation of my contribution to exposing inherent corruption in:   The Establishment’s ThinkingGroup-Thought  mentality…


They didn’t go for that - as we know - though in a morbid way - they unwittingly fell into my trap.trap   

I’d successfully checkmated The State into:  (wrongly) killing me  

Suicide by principle, if you like

I  prophesize (correctly) at the trial, the waiting infamy of those who pass this sentence: 

Yes, it’ll feel great, for a while, when you finally get rid of me,  but taking an innocent man’s life… coz … he questioned you?  Despite all your Messaging,  that shitshit’s getsdestined to get ugly real quick in the gaze of history  


Death was:   a poisoned chalice   -  hemlock 

Concocted by the resident alchemist 

He was trying to administer it, but was nervous as fuck - finally i said - give it here -  i'll drink it myself


By so doing, i transcend death 

I guessed i would, that’s why my last words were: i owe a cockerel to Asclepius*  - don’t forget to pay it

From beyond the grave, I gocontinue ontoto play a pivotal role in the origin ofthe:   THE Golden Age of Philosophy

Schools of which run great for another: 900 years

Right up until the Dark Ages 

The End







Ans: Socrates