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My secret weapon is:  a Question

Before i became known for that

I was hailed as:  a war hero   

tall, strong, athletically capable

foot-soldiered til i was 48  -  famous for my endurance

But  -  if that turns you on  - sorry: i’m ugly as sin  -  bald to boot

Not a big drinker … all things in moderation … like i said

But mate  -  i can drink any person here under the fucking table

After my sentence was decreed 

i was given a chance to:    beg:  THE Mercy of THE Court  

Whadda you suggest your punishment oughta be?

To which i replied:  Yeah, good question  … How bout:   

a Gov-paid pension for:    the rest of my life …  ? … bitch

In appreciation of:  my rich contribution to:

Exposing Corruption in:   THE Establishment’s thinking

They didn’t go for that  -  as we know

Death was:   a poisoned chalice   -  hemlock 

Concocted/Administered by:   a world-leading alchemist 

He was nervous as fuck - finally i said - give it here -  i'll drink it myself

I play a pivotal role in the origin of:     THE Golden Age of Philosophy

Schools of which will run  -   brilliantly - for another: 900 years

Right up until:   THE Dark Ages 

when THE Church banned anyone:   asking questions  -  ever again

The End