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The Olympics of Governance


Gong Peng (Deputy Director): Ignore it? You’re joking right?  It will be our heads if this gets out. We can still stop this, it's ... (Xiao Secretary types something on his laptop.)

Linfa: Thankyou Gong Peng - it's our heads on the line, but not the way you think they are.  Let me put it this way: you like sport, is that correct?

Gong Peng:  Sure, i love it.  Everyone knows.

Linfa:  Good - think of this as:  

The Olympic Games of World Governance

In order to win the Olympics, you need a competition, is that correct?

Gong Peng: Yes, is this a trick question?

Linfa:  In order for that to happen we need to let it to seep into the world first.  It’s crucial we hold our nerve.  The fact we could stop it now is exactly why we don't. Only when it infects the west do we institute our response. Xiao Secretary will explain.

Xiao Gengfu (Secretary of Party Committee) Everything is ready to go - we have pre-fab quarantine facilities that we can have up and running in a week - the ring-of-steel around Wuhan - the required personnel to secure Hubei is on alert.

Linfa:  So let it run. We hold our nerve in the beginning. Then we'll see who wins in the end.

Gong Peng: But millions of people will die …

Linfa: Millions of old, frail people, yes.  It will scythe through that demographic. That’s sad.  On the other hand, can you put your hand on your heart - as a scientist - and say that’s not exactly what the world needs right now? 

Zhengli: You mean to prevent climate change?

Linfa:  Yes, that too. But we’re too old as a society. We’ve got a work-force from a 1 child generation as producers holding up an elderly generation of 4-6 children. How is that sustainable? Either economically, or in terms of resources? The world needs to lose population weight. That’s a cold-hard-fact. (Zhengli raises hand - Linfa hand signals to mean 'let me finish')

Yes, there will be collateral damage - but the vast majority of death will be old &/or obese people with co-morbidities - 80% won’t even know they’ve had it. The good will outweigh the bad.  I give you my word.   Zhengli (Linfa gestures open-palmed towards her):

Zhengli: So how long do we … stay silent?

Linfa looks at Xiao Secretary) Xiao Secretary: After this conference Wang Professor has some other engagements. He will fly out Jan 18. We wait five days, Jan 23. This is already coordinated with Tedros -Mike Ryan - they'll do everything they can to keep the world open until then.  The modelling says this will be enough to let the genie fully out of the bottle.

Gong Peng: How they gonna do that? 

Linfa: They'll say it's not as serious as flu -  talk-down the effectiveness of masks - say we've been transparent (TS: 19:05) - Ian will help with that, too.

Gong Peng:  Everyone knows masks work in the initial stages. They're cheap, accessible - how on earth will they sell that?

Linfa: Yeah, it sounds mad to our way of thinking, but the west doesn’t have that mask-culture like we do.  Ian thinks it's possible - in the initial stages at least, long enough.  He and WHO will argue publicly there's no clear evidence that they work - people don't know how to use them, he’s a master at that.

Gong Peng:  Don't know how to use them?

Linfa:  Instead, they will promote lockdowns as the best way to keep us safe. Our other way.

Zhengli: Americans will never accept that. You've been in Australia too long - sure they will - Europe - but not the US.

They will if they're persuaded it works. Ian will make a video with some Hollywood movie stars to promote lockdowns - show people how to wash your hands


He'll say the world needs to follow our lead (TS: 19:05). But importantly, there will be no mention of masks in the video, coz we still want it to spread, obviously.

Zhengli: Which movie stars?

Linfa:  It’s the Contagion cast, Kate Winslet will do the washing hands demonstration - (laughter) -  Matt Damon - he'll star as the lockdown advocate.

Zhengli:  Oh, I like Matt Damon!

Gong Peng:  Me too - all-American action hero championing our lockdown system? (laughter)

Wang Director:  So those are the broad strokes:  Hold the line, Introduce the lockdown culture globally - then we hold the vaccine key up our sleeve as the only way out.  

Linfa Wang: Gold Medal for the CCP system of government.  We convince the world to adopt it of their own volition.  Sun Tsu will be grinning.