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Thank-you Lancet Statement

If you're tracing back to the origin of the Covid Cover-up, you wind up with two documents: The Lancet Statement and Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2. They are kinda special for me coz they were my entry point into seriously investigating the origin of Covid.

Dan started a thread on Formosahut about nCov on Jan 24 - we began noticing/recording some anomalies.  I mentioned this with an Aus scientist I was on good terms with.

The reaction was bristling - that took me aback - slightly.  I sent a Feb 23 story from the Taipei Times on a scientists' symposium raising the possibility of an engineered virus lab accident.

The email back was:

The experts don't believe in conspiracy

I read it - gob-smackedly - 27 world-leading experts saying scientists from a CCP-run bio-defense/weapons lab were open and transparent

The language, was weirdly over-the-top - condemning conspiracy theorists - raving about unity/solidarity. With who? Totalitarianism?

Yeah - no.

Having lived in Taiwan most of my adult-life, next-door to China, I tried to convey, as an expert, the little known fact amongst scientists that China is run by a totalitarian regime called the CCP.  Who are open and transparent about not being open and transparent. Meaning the 27-experts were making a fundamental mistake in their reasoning.

Begging the question: Why?

The response was an animated cartoon praising China's transparency/response/lockdown mentality - ridiculing the US (literally made by the CCP - disturbingly, now that i check,  platformed/plugged by the ABC. More than 2 years later - there's still no evidence of the ABC having done an investigative piece on the origin of the biggest story of our lifetimes. What does that mean?)

later i got an article about a 5-G protest.

Then banned from talking about Covid.   The End.

By this point though, i knew this new virus was a lab-leak. That was exciting.

I also knew that the science community was aggressively trying to cover it up, attack curious people.

There was/is no other reason for scientists to be issuing blatantly unscientific statements:

     -    must be: lying    -    why?

Welcome to The Rabbit Warren

All ye who enter here: good burrowing

I checked a paper that the Lancet Statement cited in support of its premise - it was called Proximal Origin.

In it, there were further clues of non-truths that supported the conclusion this Nature paper was a purpose written no-lab-leak PR offensive.

Started researching/writing/discussing Prox O on Formosahut with Dan   Don't know how many drill-down referenced analyses of Prox O there were at that time - not many - none that i saw - by world-leading scientists or not.

It was quickly clear the science was rubbish,  but the fascinating part was the authors who concocted it.

Formosahut is a tiny forum - it's Dan and I - the recess of the recesses of the internet. Privately i was trying to alert many media outlets about Ian Lipkin - getting only robo-responses. 

   -   Out of the blue   -

an intrepid Covid-origin researcher made contact. I knew he was intrepid coz no-one else had done it. That was:

@Billy Bostickson from Drastic.

If i'd've known who he was i could have said Sir Monkey i presume

Rabbit warrening - lonely is not the right word - but you are alone - in the warren - you lose touch with some stuff - it's normal.

So you're happy there's someone out there in the real world shining a light.  People have different abilities to different extents, but Billy is Olympic-standard at light-shining.

The censorship on talking about the origin of Covid persists to this day.

The outright vilification has dropped off  - though barely skipped a beat as a sentiment - before re-deployment to the vaccine-hesitant.