Thank-you Lancet, Billy, Dan
If you're tracing back the Covid Cover-up Conspiracy, you wind up with two documents:
The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
The Lancet Statement
The old one-two.
They are dear to me coz they were my entry point into seriously investigating the origin of Covid/having my private mental space invaded by the forces of One-Everything.
Dan started a thread on Formosahut about nCov on Jan 24 - we began noticing/recording some anomalies. I mentioned this to a scientist I was on good terms with.
The reaction was bristling - that took me aback - slightly. Sent a Feb 23 story from the Taipei Times on a scientists' symposium raising the possibility of an engineered virus lab accident.
Email back:
The experts don't believe in conspiracy
link to the The Lancet Statement
I read it. 27 world-leading experts saying scientists from a CCP-run bio-defense/weapons lab were open and transparent.
The language, was weirdly over-the-top - condemning conspiracy theorists - raving about unity/solidarity/standing together. With who? Totalitarianism?
Yeah - no. Whatever you do - don't sign that. You will get badly burned. The CCP are open and transparent about not being open and transparent. Those 27-experts, (i had no idea who they were at the time) are spreading misinformation. Stay away from it.
The response was an animated cartoon praising China's transparency/response/lockdown mentality - ridiculing the USUS. (It was literally made by the CCP. Disturbingly, now that i check, it was platformed/plugged by the ABC. (More than 2 years later - there's still no evidence of the ABC having done a single investigative piece on the origin of the biggest story of our lifetimes. What does that mean?) It wasn't sent ironically though - more like an explainer.
FollowedThe cartoon was followed up with derogatory article about an April 2020a 5-G protest - linking Covid (corona back then) to 5G - haha! Actually it was called Corona back then - itIt was meant as a StrawmanStrawman-style insult - though if you click on the link the protesters are saying 5G depletes immunity - therefore makes people more susceptible to Covid.disease. That's not totally crazy thinking.
(Writing this later, i do the one-minute research, find a paper in Nature of places:
Andrew Wood, Swinburne: We believeon the main biological effect of the electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones is a rise in temperature. There are also concerns that there could be more subtle effects, such as links between long-term exposure and certain types of cancer, but while there is some evidence from epidemiological and animal studies, these remain controversial.
The old some evidence is no evidence argument that has served THE Science community so well in the past. So long as you make sure it's controversial - drag it out ...
I don't know anything about 5G. I do know we can't trust the official THE science line. That's annoying since they're paid by the public. Does Joe Blow now have to work everything out for their own pronoun coz we can't trust scientists to tell us the truth?
Note: I didn't say any of this - it's all later in my head.) subject):
Next stopstop, i was banned from talking about Covid altogether. I'm sick to death of hearing about your boring conspiracy theories.
The End.
That's sad. Another silent casualty of Covid. I know this person is well-intentioned at heart. Part of this journey is trying to understand how good people came to behave in reactionary ways - to cover-up the truth. Then figure out how to bring them back - to re-communicate - in a way that doesn't vilify them - but - where the past is not swept under the carpet. That can't be the answer. We can't jump from censorship/ridicule to
- we've moved on -
In order to move-on, you've gotta be there in the first place. place You. I can't move on from TimbuktuTimbuktu, iffor you'example i've notnever been there. Society
First job for society is to develop a space where questions are allowed to be asked about this event that changed every human's life. Let's get therethere, firstset up camp, explore - then we can talk about how to move on. Otherwise we're moving on to the exact thing we need to move away from.
If the system is broken, which it is - we can still fix it.
But i'm getting ahead of things. The point is: by the time i'd digested The Lancet Statement, i knew:
this new virus is a lab-leak
There was/is no other reason for scientists to be issuing blatantly unscientific statements.
I checked a paper that the Lancet Statement cited in support of its premise - it was called Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Welcome to The Rabbit Warren
Started researching/writing/discussing Prox O on Formosahut with Dan - first posted on May 18, 2020. Don't know how many drill-down referenced analyses of Prox O there were at that time - not many - none that i saw - by world-leading scientists or not.
It was quickly clear the pangolin premise was rubbish, but the fascinating part was the authors who concocted it. The COI's were glaring.
Formosahut is a tiny forum - it's Dan and I basically - the recess of the recesses of the internet. Privately, I posted on Lipkin's and Holmes's Wikipedia pages - painstakingly referencing every statement - no personal opinions - no adjectives - mainly using their own words. Information only. I thought it would be bullet-proof for those reasons, controversial as it was. It lasted two weeks. Pretty sure Lipkin and Holmes saw it. Lipkin in particular went from all-over-the-media-like-a-rash to radio silence.
After that it was like being attacked by those octopus machines from Matrix. The lead vandal was a user called Thucydides411 - but he had significant back-up. I was overwhelmed - blanked n blocked - with the usual conspiracy theorist name-calling. If you accept that the United Front Work Dept is a well-organized force, then you'll know that Wikipedia is a prime medium to infiltrate/control. What it did show is:
This is an information war where our opponents won't talk details.war.
TheOn one side: the so called right-wing nutter conspiracy theoriststheorists, who calmly present referenced information, ask sensiblereasonable questions.
TheOn the other side: the so-called progressivesprogressives, who get angry, resort to name-calling, refuse to discuss details, use their power to censor/ban the discussion. Then replace it with misinformation. Telling themselves it's for the common good.
This is the world we are living in.
In some ways it was satisfying to hit a nerve - but being shut down at every turn when all you're trying to do is investigate what the fuck happened here - it's not pleasant. It's too formidable.
Then - out of the blue - some contact came the other way - an intrepid Covid-origin researcher somehow found me. I knew he was intrepid coz no-one else had done it. That was:
@Billy Bostickson from Drastic - the Great Man (though i didn't know who he was at the time)
Rabbit warrening - lonely is not the right word - a lot of it's exciting - some of it is very funny - but you are alone - in the warren - you lose touch with some stuff - it's normal. The wall of rejection/censorship when you try to share your findings - there's a reason why they call it the wall. (At first i couldn't work it out - why is the media refusing to report the story of the millennium when the facts are staring them in the face? Wouldn't that run against their instincts?) But that's ok, the thing about a challenge is you're not meant to be happy all the time - if you are - it's not a challenge.
But you are happy knowing there's someone in the real world shining a light. With others - a hardworking network. Showing leadership/energy/positivity. People have different abilities to different extents - Billy is Olympic-standard at light-shining - right when the world needed it - when the people we had trusted to do it - the experts - were betraying that principle.
Those Drastic coreBilly could retire tomorrow, play golf, grow tomatoes, history will immortalize them.him. They'll be heroes. Unless it turns out like the edited CCP ending to Fight Club - in which case they'll behe's fucked...
The censorship on the origin of Covid persists to this day. There's still been no official investigation anywhere as to who is directing it or why. No-one has been held to account.
The outright vilification of origin-researchers has dropped off though - skipped a beat as a sentiment - but barely - before re-deployment to the vaccine-hesitant.
Meanwhile, the Covid Atrocity presents two challenges:
1. Expose the conspiracy to commit fraud
2. Prevent the desired outcomes of the frauders from becoming entrenched reality
The second one is the hardest - the most important - the most urgent.
It's no good proving Covid was a lab-exit if the perps get everything they wanted - more funding for a global bio-state - run by One-Everything.