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Inside the mind of Sir Jeremy Farar

by dulan drift, Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 08:49


June 19, 2019, Francis Collins introed  his friend Jeremy Farrar, selected to deliver the David E. Barmes Global Health Lecture at NIH, titled: 

Global Health in a Changing World

Francis Collins (TS4:00): In 1996 he (Farrar) became the director of the Oxford University research centre in Vietnam in a very tumultuous time - (including) the outbreak of SARS .. (and) H5N1 - all of which he and his group were in the middle of.

Seems like everyone involved in the Covid cover-up was in the middle of SARS - Lipkin, Daszak, Baric, Wang Linfa, Holmes, Farrar, Dwyer, Shi etc, etc (and/or Anthrax - Fauci).

Collins (TS4:20): In 2013 he was appointed as the director of the Wellcome Trust - he was reappointed last year for a second five year term indicating the remarkable (lack of democracy in the One Health world/) success he has had in that role. And in that role he has been a wonderful contributor both in the agenda of that institution but also* for all of us who care deeply about global health. (*technically they’re the same thing)

For those of us who care deeply about the rise of totalitarianism ....

Collins (4:45): He currently serves as the chairperson of an informal group called the Heads of International Research Organizations which has just been meeting here at NIH for the last two days involving leaders of funding agencies from across the world

And may I say, he’s a very good chair - you don’t walk into that meeting and not expect things to happen - I mean, because they have, and they will under his leadership.

So in all this fog of One Health oneness - Farrar is the One? The leader of the leaders of funding agencies. Think about that. Bill and Melinda, NIH, Wellcome - it’s across the world - did George Gao get a ticket…? For sure China is in there somewhere. Love to see that guest list - couldn’t find it. Couldn’t find any ref on the internet whatsoever to a group called The Heads of International Research Organizations.  As Francis says: it’s informal...

The biggest feature of the new normal is we are constantly exhorted to listen to the health experts. It controls everything in our lives - suddenly - from restrictions on freedoms of speech, movement, assembly, to the explosion of personal surveillance, to vaccines. 

Therefore; Farrar, the leader of that, is a humanity disrupter

This is a role Farrar revels in. Was born ready to revel. First the sense of a vision,  then the forming of it - the garnering of the energy/power to propel it …

things happen under his leadership 

Now he's in the driver's seat. Hang onto your hats.

At first it was a surprise when i looked at Fauci’s FOI emails how Farrar slotted into the ringmaster-role - makes sense now.