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by dulan drift, Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 08:09 (9 hours, 33 minutes ago) @ dulan drift 

The same way everything-you-need-to-know about existence is in the Adam & Eve myth (and other creation myths) - everything we need to know about you, Sir Jeremy, is in your choice of Brutus quote from Julius Caesar - which coincidentally - was the most famous Conspiracy of all time:

We at the height are ready to decline (due to anti-globalist/scientist sentiment)

There is a tide in the affairs of men

which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune (Covid is the flood - vaccines/total control are the fortunes)

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

is bound in shallows and in miseries

(Poor Sir Jeremy - stuck in a bloody Oxford migraine clinic)

On such a full sea are we now afloat (Covid)

And we must take the current (of public opinion - manipulated by Covid - before people see through it) when it serves (the purpose of justifying a One-Everything surveillance state)

or lose our ventures

So what did you choose?

If Shakespeare was alive today - he’d be writing about you.

He’d see all the ingredients he loved: ambition - ability - idealism - fame - marred by arrogance/over-reach - causing mis-guidedness - deals with the darkside - a mis-reading of the signs - resulting in:

  • un-redoable tragedy   -

(Where ‘all the world’s your stage?’)

Turns out you were a bit of a thespian yourself back at school:

Churcher’s College Annual Report: (Despite obstacles) what eventually appeared on stage was a most satisfying production of "Ross" by Terence Rattigan.

"Ross" looks into the mind of Aircraftman Ross (alias Lawrence of Arabia; it is in this identity that he mostly appears) and shows him to have been a man who overestimates his own strength of mind and, as a result, was crushed by his conscience.

Cool. You weren’t the lead actor but you played your part.

Jeremy Farrar was convincing as the Captain who was somewhat out of his depth.

Yeah, i’m convinced. There’s something in that conflicted/Captain dynamic that attracts you. The visionary - who’s failing is a blindspot to the knowable consequences of his actions.

We all make that mistake. The information was there - but we didn’t weight it right. 

Humans, we’re on a spectrum. Whatever you feel - i feel - vice versa. It’s a matter of extent - it’s where on the spectrum? 

The tragedy of Brutus is that he broke the golden rule of the Senate - no violence in the Senate.  Even Julius Caesar had abided by it - until death we did part.  It set off a chain-of-events that achieved the opposite of what Brutus had hoped for.

The difference between you and Brutus though is that while Brutus believed he was stabbing Julius Caesar to save democracy - you knifed democracy to save Totalitarianism. The Empire Strikes Back.

But you both did what you thought was right. I’m sure of that.

The problem with killing off democracy, Jeremy, is humanity has only invented two systems of government - well one actually - the first one - totalitarianism - was our default position. Philosophers - aka conspiracy theorists in today’s parlance - invented democracy. 

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar deals with the loss of democracy.

It took another 1500 years to get it back. With AI coming at us (dumb-arse humans) fast, we ain't got 1500 years as a primary-intelligence life-force on earth.  We're lucky if we've got 30.  We lose our freedoms now - they’re gone forever.

Sir Jeremy, you will go down in history as: an immortal - Captain of the Covid Conspiracy.

The good news: you still have a chance to make a positive, lasting impact on humanity. You only need to choose the right Box: A, B, or C?

Box A: Mass-murdering atrocity villain that history will never forgive.

Box B: We get away with it - steamroll on - crush the opposition - that's why they call it power. Fuck Democracy! Totalitarianism Rules! Yeah! (See why you went for that in the beginning - but looking shakier n shakier - in essence - the same as Box A)

Box C: Come clean.

If not now, when…? If not us, whom…?

This mad head-long rush to One-Everything - to save us - is wrong.  It’s dangerous.  The answer is the opposite - it’s our differences that will save us. Tell people you now know that from the inside - you messed up - you thought it was for the best - realised it wasn’t.  You can still help right the ship of humanity on this rising tide of opportunity.

Then history will afford you that dynamic space - that Brutus inhabits - between good intentions and disastrous results. 

A person aware enough to be torn by conscience at least.

Redemption is real. It’s why Jesus was so popular. Society vilifies/condemns - he was offering a different understanding/resolution. You feel like you’re in this irredeemable, collapsing quicksand - you are - but there is a way out.

You won’t be a hero of course - that job’s taken by @billybosticson - but you could still be a Brutus - a textbook cautionary tale for future generations.  There’s honour in that - it's a kinda pantheon - if you repent. 

But my advice: Don’t wait too long - the tide in the affairs of men is changing.