Andrew Rambaut
Man of Mystery! All the others have put themselves out there to pump the paper - but Rambaut stayed in the shadows. That's intriguing. As a next generation computer-whiz, he has gone to some length to conceal his image. Turns out he's the most handsome of the lot.lot. Though there's only one photo to judge by. On his Twitter account, which he doesn't use.
Whereas Lipkin was bursting at the seams with
on the on-the-record blabbering, Rambaut likes his privacy. That's fine, but as a key ingredient of the Prox-O-5, your famous for all time Andrew - it's not gonna work in the long-run.
Still, you can judge a man by the company he keeps - Oxford - specifically Nuffield Department. DPhil from Oxford in 1997 places him there at the same time as brothers-in-arms Farrar, Gao, Holmes, Worobey, Horby, et al. The Oxford-Edinburgh axis is at the centre of the Covid Conspiracy.
What does Rambaut bring to this world-deciding table?
Evolutionary biologist specializing in emerging human viral pathogens. Funny how the more human viral pathogenicists emerged as a fund-attracting force - the more emerging human viral pathogens emerged.
Rambaut is genomic surveillance enthusiast - his interests included population engineering, Feb 1 Teleconferencer, first person Holmes called with the sequence - published on his website, SAGE member (with Jeremy Farrar), futurist (as is Farrar), funded by Wellcome, the blank photo above is from a conference titled: Next-generation molecular and evolutionary epidemiology of infectious disease: challenges and opportunities, co-author with Andersen & Holmes on the dodgy Ebola origins paper.