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Random Thoughts

MOU world is a battle for mind control.  Philosophers helped us understand mind/nous - the Christians took that - then weaponized it - as a tool for mass-mind-control - being sure to ban philosophy in its trail.


The New Dark Ages:  You can’t tell the truth in kept-time - if you do you will be banned - you can only tell it in allegory.

Exhibit A: Netflix. How is it that 3 years after Covid, a momentous, humanity-shaping event involving very fishy characters, there’s zero video productions on Netflix (or any streaming giant)? It's the greatest story of our time - one where the corruption runs all the way to the top - but total radio silence. Instead Netflix keeps pumping out an endless stream of psycho-killer shows - it wants its viewers to believe that all the world's problems are due to a few lone, nuts operating outside the establishment. God forbid we examine the establishment itself. This is how censorship works in the New Normal - big corporations act as the gateway to what gets made - but more importantly - what doesn’t



How to fix the Catholic Church in one easy step:  ordain women priests


Humanity's future is being genetically modified - manipulated by MOU’s - through the deployment of genetically engineered viruses - to provide an excuse for the DNA revolution



The UN sounds nice - United Nations - but what is it, really?  5 warlord nuclear nations:  US,  Russia,  China,  France,  India with power of veto - then a representative of other countries - who vote on the World Future.  Of those other countries, more than 50% are either full-blown dictatorships, or one party states.  Then there’s your pseudo-democracies, then there are your democracies influenced by Captains of Capitalism. 

Yeah, they vote, which sounds democratic, but this involves daylight bribery of compliant &/or poor countries to get votes - it's a well-known, standard way to do business in the UN.

With Covid, that centralized, intrinsically corrupt system, got even more power. These globalist bodies are now dictating the direction of the world to the masses.  The answer to our problems is decentralization - but we're getting the opposite.



The world can go in a whole quantum bunch of directions - doesn’t have to go one particular way - but once it has - even if the reason for it going that way was bullshit - it becomes the new reality. In that case, the reality is not real.



Wade-Giles - how on earth did it take two people to come up with such a stupid romanization of Chinese?



Deification - the regurgitation of the cult - short for culture by the mainstream - hence the biopics - Elton John, Freddie Mercury, etc - depicted as these subversive figures taking copious amounts of drugs, rebelling against the system - they're made into museum exhibits. But try being subversive in current life during Covid - if you so much as attend a protest against restrictions on Freedom you'll be maced, tear-gassed, vilified, bashed, jailed. Subversiveness is something that is only allowed to exist as an historical artifact



What happens to stuff you forget?  That nobody else knows.  Does that still exist? Or has it crossed back to non-existence?


Even socio-path is on the spectrum - that we share in as humans - the spectrum of consciousness. There is a bit of empathy block-out in all of us.  Whatever i feel - or don’t - other people feel - or don’t - too


Consciousness is a vice verca deal - symbiotic relationship - everything is a symbiotic relationship in the constitution of the whole 

It’s all about the extent, the spectrum.  A trauma person - what they feel - everyone feels


Every person i remember lives in my head - i can recall them - they talk back to me - they are part of me  - the sharing in the universe that is the sum of its parts