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I don't know if i've got one more fight left in me - but i might have one good punch


Data-corps used to say this call maybe monitored for training purposes, please let the service attendant know if you would prefer not

Today i got a robo-double into:

1st one: Calls to Optus may be recorded for training purposes.

Then, after some more press-dial robo-stuff to get to an operator, a last

Just to let you know, as a first-time customer, this call will be recorded for training purposes

My guess is voice-recognition bio-metrics.  Grab it right from the start. 

That was from Optus - fresh off being hacked of all customer data. 

Asked about the hacking - yes that's all resolved, now i'm sending you the code,  enter your credit card details in while i read out the terms & conditions ...

That literally happened - i'm not being facetious.

(recap - optus & medibank got hacked of everything recently - optus paid - medibank said fuck that - why pay for something we've already got - whereupon the data was released/sold to other entities - was thinking theoretically since Telstra is an EvilCorp, which i know from hard experience, all of them are - none of them give a fuck about the security of your data.   Driving financial interest is get the data  - data is currency - the currency, on a root-level.   Twisted logically, i reasoned in that world you might as well choose the one with the track record of paying if/when they get hacked.  Consider it a fine.  The top hackers do have a record of paying - it's a business model.  Catch (you as a corporation), hold all-the-cards but then release your customers who we holding hostage by not releasing the data- if you pay. 

If you don't: release customers' data the normal way onto the internet - &/or for a higher price. (note: the prices weren't out of control - like a dollar a customer - or less - maybe that's how data/currency works - 1 normal person = $1.  Then you have your bigger denominations, the higher-you go up the scale - who assume the accumulated value of all the smaller denominations)

But nothing about talking to Optus filled me with anything but dread.  Like waking up from one nightmare into another one.

It's all about the data-grab - the power that entails - going forward - getting it in the first place is the top priority.  Protecting it?  Taking responsibility for keeping it safe.