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Christmas song:  Feed the Aussies

It's Christmas time, and there's no need to be afraid

At Christmas time, let grog banish painful relations

And in our world of plenty

We can spread a bet with friends

Fuck the fucking the world

At Christmas time

Feed the Aussies - Gambling, Fat, & Alcohol

Feed the Aussies - Gambling, Fat, & Alcohol

Feed the Aussies - Do they know it’s Christmas time at all?

The early bird gets the worm - but the late bird gets the moth

Golden rule:  Try everything … twice.  So as to clear up any possible aberration result.  If you get a negative reaction twice, you can safely not go the third-time

There are two poles on the spectrum of  people in this world - anal retentive … & … anal expressive

Poem idea: who in your life is possibly a robot?  For me, as a robot, i can name the obvious ones, the council person on the telephone, actually all people i don't know on the telephone - that would be well within

I disagree to agree

Book idea: Socrates in a near-future Black Mirror-style game-simulation existence. where the gamed don't realize they're being gamed. Given it’s all a game - you’re a player who has been marked for extermination - West World style - your entity will be detected as a 'questioner' then infected with a negative end-game path - leading to a series of escalating blows at every turn - herding you towards suicide or an early death. 

From the brink of suicide - as your well-reasoned only option to exercise free-will in the game - you

realize that it is all a game, that wants you to end.

But, with that knowledge, how to buck that system from within?

Goal has to be  overthrow the system - it can’t be mended - but what’s the magic trick to doing that when all odds are stacked against you? -

Ans: it’s a mental state - Nero/Matrix style - the parts were always there but not fully recognized, harnessed … 

Instead of a sad, lonely suicide, the thinking becomes a grand gesture.

To achieve this

The hero decides to become the bait - die Socrates (later, Christ)-style - in their persecutor's world. Force them to publicly/corruptly execute you. Knowing that is the only way to infect the minds of mostly now-mindless future gamed generations - mind being the ultimate currency. To influence that you have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

That action causes mass disillusionment - a break down in Trust of the Authority - which leads to a power outage - seeds revolution - after the hero's death.



Poem idea:  Insert myself into a Plato's version of Socrates discussion as a spanner-in-the-works character - disagreeing or saying inappropriate things, taking tangents


Song idea: Didn’t see it coming ...

then again I kinda did

There were signs you were gonna ...

gonna blow your lid



Aussies' best skills: swimming, boxing, & salespersonship

Fantastic at sales -  had an international guest who remarked how good Aussies are at selling Australia to themselves