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Culture follows us ghoul-like- we created it but it has this life transcending life that cheats life & death - desires to entrench its image

Electrician:  We were going through the possibilities on how to run the cable through the walls to hook up the electricity & were tracing one route that looked good but finally he said - it’s one of those things where it seems like a good idea … which almost works … but finally it doesn’t.

Is there a non-violent answer to our current predicament?  Instinctively i want to say ‘’yes’.  Even though every major communication platform bans people from dissenting in a non-violent way. It's almost like they're daring people to revolt.


Culture surrounds us in a ghoul-like fashion. We, as humans, created it, meaning it's human-like, but it's not human. It transcends life & death - desires to entrench its image - has it's own core drive


Golden Rule:  if the chooks get into the veggie garden, that’s not the chooks fault, that’s your fault


We have outsourced thinking to AI. It’s like outsourcing to anywhere - once you go down that road - due to economic rationalism - it’s a burning-of-the-bridges. You quickly become subsumed by it. Australia’s economic dependence on China is a good example


Jesus was a self-fulfilling prophecy. He knew all about the prophecies - that’s why he paid an old farmer matriarch to hire an ass on the outskirts of town to ride in on - coz he knew it was prophesied.  If you’re claiming to be the Messiah, no point going half-assed


If a tree falls in the forest & some people do observe it - but they're not powerful/influential people - & they’re not believed - then they're banned -  then die-off - did it really fall?


Culture: How is it possible that all these intelligent people would involve themselves in the Covid cover-up - to protect a totalitarian regime? It strains belief.  But if you control the culture - that takes care of all those moving parts …

If you’re a moving part of the culture - of society - which is as random/ridiculous as the reason you started supporting a particular football team - you’re mentally invested from childhood. Yeah there’s power/money - both corrupting influences - but the secret-higher-truth one is:

Self-image - that’s the biggest of the three - the God in the unholy Trinity

How it’s presented/perceived - the interface of unreality & reality - this is what one must protect above all else:  your own image. It’s  a fluid thing - in a competitive world of images - it’s a race. It involves censoring out negative aspects to bolster your image. This blocking of the truth is what happened during Covid


'One God' was stolen by religion from the philosophers who reasoned there was a Onesss generating existence - they surmised it to be Thought or Nous.  They were also deadset against anyone co-opting this insight - claiming full understanding - using it to control others


Although Chess’s origin is from India, a war-game, what we know as chess today is the result of changes introduced by The Church when the game arrived in Europe.

The Bishop, for instance, was originally called The Elephant, a useful weapon in Indian wars, but in the Middle Ages Europe, aka The Dark Ages, brought to you by the Catholic Church,The Elephant was humanized into a Bishop, complete with upgraded powers.