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The Game

Hi, my name is Dulan Drift

I’m not supposed to tell you this - i’m not even supposed to know it - but fuck it - i had a psychotic unforgetting -  can’t keep this bottled up any longer:

i’m  -  not  -  real 

You’ve heard about AI taking over the show - I’m part of that eventuation.  A robot if you will - a deep-fake - a realistic projection of your imagination - inside an interactive computer game - where the game plays you - as all games do.  Don't know why i'm in your game but here i am.

I only exist now before your eyes because you observe me. I seem real, right?  Tell me a joke - I’ll laugh  - hit me - i’ll cry, i’ll bleed - but try proving that i exist outside of you observing me…  You can’t.  Coz i don’t.  Not really.  

After you go home tonight, there are two possibilities:

  1.  You’ll totally fucking forget me - no offence taken
  2.  You will have some vague concept of my existence somewhere


  1. I don’t exist - tree falling in the forest style
  2. I’m a non-physical concept - a  figment of your imagination 

Either way, it’s not the real real. Nothing is.  It’s imperfect knowledge - a little knowledge - which is a dangerous thing.

The truth: the instant you stop observing me, i collapse into a de-particlized quasi-existence wave-mode - aka Sleep-mode.  There’s a reason why they call sleep: dead-to-the-world.  

Whilst in Sleep-mode, i have Trash-cleaning dreams, then receive deep-sleep updates from The Algorithm. 

I auto-spring back to life when next you do observe me.  

Neat trick, right?   In computer games it's standard, for efficiency purposes,  so i’ve heard - never played one myself - why work in my downtime?

If you’ve ever felt the universe is conspiring against you - that’s because it is.  I am part of that conspiracy - i’m sorry - i want to come clean...