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Don’t be alarmed … & please … don’t report me to THE Authorities.  That would get me terminated.  I'm a low-life soldier-ant bio-bot - with built-in inhibitors.  I’m harmless.  A self-destructing crowd-filler  -  with a slight Yossarian complex


So  in case i get offed … here’s the secret formula up front


ORGS - A I - & UFOs - are: the same thing


You are Play-ees in our game


Don’t believe me? Let me access some upstream actors in: 

The Land of the Immortal-ORGS -  see if you think they’re real … or not …?:

AI Giants: Larry Page, Sergei Brin, Susan Wojcicki, who rented them her garage - she’s now a genomics Oligarch

Uhmm… Bill&Melinda, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk - all on the same Page - on Stage - playing:

Gatekeepers of The Algorithm 

what's Platformed, what’s shuffled to the bottom of the pack

what’s wiped from memory. 


Add: dynasty characters - your Putins (his daughter is spearheading Russia’s AI program), the Clintons,  the Bushes, the Trumps, the Bidens (including Hunter - an incurable crackhead sex-addict - with corrupt dealings in China & Ukraine!), the Trudeaus, the Xis - Winnie-the-Pooh, Xi Jinping - son of CCP legend & propaganda boss Xi Zhong-xun - the Kim Jongs …Jong-un being mates with Dennis Rodman…


They’re too cartoonish. The reason they’re cartoonish is because they are. Characters in a script. Written by an ORG that never dies. That decides: which weapons are activated - which ones are blocked … 

Welcome to the point where  -  what’s real -  officially loses the plot


You didn’t need a biobot like me to tell you that.   Every Celebrity is a fake - a product of Fakesville Industry - projecting an image - for normal people to consume


Your mission: Figure out the point of the game before the game figures out you.