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Master of the Universe

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Hi, my name is  Prof Redacted  Md. - I am a Master of the Universe working in the Bio-science sphere.   Welcome to my world! 

Thanks for having us, Professor

This is my office ...  This is where the redacted magic happens ...

Whoa!  Great view!

Yeah, I like it - it's inspiring.

So what is it you do, exactly, as an MOU bio-expert? 

Well, it's as the name implies: I make the secret big-picture decisions that determine the course of humanity.

Hell!  That's ... huge ...

Yeah, it is.  But someone's gotta do it, right?   I am - a - they - from long before pronouns became a thing, btw

Cool!  So as a they - you're still a real person, then?  Or not?

Very much so!  We're all human.   Some of us are more human than others, haha!


But - more important to humanity  - put it that way - let's skip the humility bit. 

Yeah, skip it!

I'm a human doing a humanity-sized globo-job.  

Liiii-ving in-a-globalized-world ...

 Exactly.  A small one at that.  12, 742 km wide, supposedly, on average. 

Whoa - so small.  At least we're a small target!

Throw AI into that space, it makes it microscopic.  Very Procurable.  It's inevitable. Only question is: who gets there first?

Ohr ... What is it you're racing to procure?

Data.  What else?  Let me check your file here - ok - you live on  33 (redacted) rd,  married with 2 children, your phone number is 0928 ... (redacted), you last visited a doctor on July 12 for a Redactomy.  You were prescribed Redactomen.   You haven't been jabbed ...   ohr ... that's interesting ... your DNA indicates a susceptibility to Redactivitus ...   Do I need to go on?

Normal way - due to Health & Safety protocols.

Legal?  Forget legal ... We're in the cone of secrect-higher-truth here.   But, out of curiosity, what did you think happened to your personal data? -  that you voluntarily handed over ... let's not forget.  

I don't really know.  Some computer knows it?  What happens?

Yeah, some computer knows it, that's right.  But some persons knows how to access to that computer - macro, as well as micro - me - for example ...  

But why would you care about me?

I don't.  It's not about you.  It's about the data.  Data Centralization is growing every day - yes or no?


Data control is power. Yes or no?


So absolute planetary data is ...?

Yeah ... i see where you're going ...

Therefore; in The Great Data Grab/Centralization mania movement, where's the best place to position yourself?

Uhmm ... The Centre ...?

It's where the action is.  myGlobogov is the source of action going forward.   I am that source incarnate.   Everything else is a downstream reaction to the events I impact you with ...

Wow. That's ...

Action happens ahead of the Thought Curve.  Raw Thought is dying to exist, but can't without action to set it free - raw thought doesn't care if that action is faked, half-faked, or genuine.  What it needs is the lattice of Action to grow on.  The trick is knowing that - using it to advantage.

Thought operates on the same DNA instinct as all biological life - it spills out - it wants to exist -  reproduce.  Cultural Thought is the wave generated by impactful actions ... 

But you thought of these actions before you did them? So thought still precedes Action.

Good point, but technically without the geological action of earth forming, there wouldn't be biological life to think with - so Action still comes first.

Unless there's a higher-Thought behind all  Action... like a God ...

That's why they call us MOU's.  I use thought to conceive an action to obtain a desired global-thought outcome.  You, as an outcome-ee, use thought to react to my action.  It's a self-sustaining system.

Ok, so ...

The United Nations - WHO, World Economic Forum, World Bank, One Planet, One everything ... & so on ... aka the pointy-end.   Blind-Freddy can see that.  It's where it's all been heading - now we're arriving - thank you for your co-operation - hope you enjoy your stay ... !

Right.   Sounds a bit Hotel California but.

Ha!  That's a good way to look at it, actually.  The world is one big casino-resort.  In that analogy, here I am, for whatever reason, a Globo-Influencer, playing the cards I've/we've/they've got.   Which is, admittedly, a lot - the whole deck - if you're doing it right. 

Haha!  Including the Joker?

Of course not!   Where'd the fun be in that?  It's all a game.  Did i mention that?  I forget things - touch of early onset

Nnno.  Don't think so.  Implied it maybe ... Go on ...

In The Game, the notion of   reality    is at stake.   That's the currency.  

Ohr!  So how do you win?

That's not obvious?   You define the nature of reality.  Control the currency.   Do that - you define the universe.   You win - don't worry about that.

Hell! But how do you ...?

MOU 101:  First capture your Data.  That's  Make reality by faking it - staging it - disrupting it - then keep faking it.  There's no going back.   In the end, it doesn't matter - reality doesn't care how it's shaped - it's only a medium.   Fake shit is still real.   Everything that exists is real.

But ... if it's fake, how ... ?

Let me explain it like this:  Action creates a gravitational sink-hole for observers - who are drawn into it.    Know that - use it.    Do actions.    Bigger the better.    Any publicity etc.   

Yeah, i was getting to that. The golden zone is 70-80% who either support you or it's not in their interests to make trouble.

What about the other 20-30%?

What about 'em?  If you've got your 70-80 you marginalize the rest.

How ... ?

Meanwhile Ban/Vilify anyone who asks questions.    Any questions?


 Next thing you know your version of reality is entrenched.  Here's the beauty of it - once it is entrenched -i'm talking culturally systematized - you've got layers upon layers of people with a vested-interest in your system.   At that point it's self-sustaining ...

I see ...

Here's the known-but-little-known-secret:  Reality is what you make it. 

Oh, so i can impact globo-reality, too?

Haha!  Sorry, I misspoke.  Your role in the game is to ... experience   ... this ... designer reality 

Ohr.   So do i have any input into the game - can i influence it?

Not as such.   But rest assured, you are being monitored for training purposes as we speak - to tailor/improve your   experience   in real-world-time -as well as for generations to come...  

I see - i'm like a play-ee?   

Who still play-ees a vital, but under-appreciated role.    Without you there wouldn't be a game.

Oh, that's a thought!  So if people withdraw consent - the game collapses?

Not so dramatic - see the 20-80 rule.  Part of the game is rounding up the 20's.

So ...  if things go wrong - you take the blame?

No, of course not.  See the 20-80 rule. 

But what if ...?

Secondly, I define what's wrong - so your question is a non-sequitur.  How will i ever be held to account in a reality that I own?

Good point.

Secondly, my job is to pull the levers, to the best of my ability for the long term good of the system.   Which I do.  But we all make mistakes along the journey - we're all human at the end of the day - is that somehow my fault?

Not at all, 

It's like the stockmarket - it's the overall result that counts. 

What if the overall result is bad?

Why are you asking about that?

Uhmm ... asking for a friend is all. 

Tell your friend he/she/it's like an extra on a movie-set.   Get over it.     It's not easy, you know - influencing world-affairs - making the big decisions for the common good.   You take that reality for granted - you don't think about all the messaging that goes into that.  But that shit's my day job.  Always will be. 

Yeah-no - so where's the ...

Whereas, What's yours?  I reckon you're a ... Second thoughts: who cares?

Touche!  When you say your a MOU, are there more upstream people from you - or - how does the hierarchy work?

Good question.  If you had to name a the top boss - it's the System - our/my job is to consolidate, Chart the future course.

Quote from philosopher - once you decide to play a game - from that point on, it's the game that plays you.  He gave chess as the example but it applies to everything equally as well. 

One individual can't outlive the system but you can shape it- create a legacy

Within that realm a loose council exists - each with their own characteristics - but all united by an interest in preserving the system that has carried them thus atop.  As you would. 

Elon Musk?

Good example.  Acts like a disrupter, right? But he gets all his Teslas made in China.  Always speaking his mind - too candidly, by his own admission, but ever hear him make an anti-CCP totalitarian?  A slip-of-the-tongue - an errant tweet? Nada.  He's playing the game - the last thing he wants is disruption in the underlying world-order.

So what happens when AI takes over?

Yes, well that's - now's not the right time to talk about that .. there are more immediate concerns


Sorry, this interview is over.