Linfa The Interfacer
Firstly, credit to US Right to Know, one of the organizations that has been instrumental in exposing the cover-up conspiracy through a series of FOI requests, including Baric’s emails discussing the drafting of The Lancet Statement. This underlines once again that the answers to all our questions don’t lie in the minutiae of scientific squabblingminutiae - that’s a dead-end - that the suspects love to draw the unwary into.
By far the simplestsimplest/fastest wayroute to the origin is to interrogate the chief persons-of-interests - immunity to the first one to flip.
Unfortunately, (spoiler) this is one of those political political-thriller movies that goes all the way to the toptop. -That so that meansmeans: there's no appetite to investigate the crime of the milleniummillennium - from the media - or law enforcement - due to the wicked web of institutionalized corruption it's bound to uncover.
Whose interest is served by that?
Not ours.we, the establishment. We've got everything running exactly the way we like it - rule by the experts - we're the top canopy of the trees. why would we want to talk about a scary truth that brings all that into question?
No, the push from above is to bury it. So we can't hold our breaths waiting for thatthe experts to come to our rescue. Ain't gonna happen.
That leaves netizens like US Right to Know.Know. As they well-know, all the evidence we need is: the communications between the actors
Don’t need to be aan scientistexpert to do it or understand it. It's their emails. If you can read English, that’s good enough.enough to get started.
We already know that Linfa Wang chaired an emergency response conference at WIV from Jan 11-14. They don’t do FOI’s in China, so short of Linfa being interrogated and coming clean, unlikely as we've covered,unlikey, we won't know the exact details of what was discussed in those meetings.
The details exist fine - the actors know them - but we don't.
Luckily, philosophy allows you to still deduce certain happenings. Go where science can't (due to data input limitations). Let's see what we can deduce from the available fragments:
From: Daszak Feb 8, 2020
To: Rita Colwell (LS signatory, EHA director)
You should know that the conspiracy theorists have been very active, targeting our collaborators with some extremely unpleasant web pages in China, and some have now received death threats to themselves and their families. They have asked us for any show of support we can give them.
Some important points to unpack there:
- Built-in use of conspiracy theorist othering
- The conspiracy theories started in China. The extremely unpleasant web pages - they were from Chinese citizens. That was all shut down of course - the head perps traced & disappeared. But the origin of lab-accident speculation, that was later branded as racist in the west, started in Wuhan - where it ran wild. As it would, when a super contagious coronavirus breaks out next door to the world’s leading coronavirus lab - in the middle of your city.
- The death threats - they were against Bat Lady. I don’t doubt they were real (as in online hate speech). Along with Weibo blowing up with lab-accident speculation, that gives a human insight into the extreme stress Shi Zhengli was under.
- They have asked us for any show of support we can give them. This is pivotal: the Lancet Statement was a request from WIV,
Put two and two together: the idea for the Lancet Statement was hatched at the WIV conference.
Wang Linfa interfaced the request shortly after he left China on Jan 18. He came back with a plan. He was energized - time to get proactive - be the cool head in a crisis.
The fact Daszak & Baric went full-throttle to execute his request indicates their complicity in the creation of the origin bug.disease. Why else concoct such a transparent scam unless it's an all or nothing play?
It took a Sino/Western Bat Pack to create Covid in the Bat Lab - then one day it blew up -...
nowRight. Now we're in the trenches together dealing with the fall out. Let's have a WIV Annual Retreat. Get Linfa here.
Linfa: We can flip this - make it work for us - orour wewildest dreams work for us, or:
go meekly - lambs to the slaughter. slaughter What
It's your choice - what have you got in the big moments - when it really counts?