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In the Name of the Holy Science

Following the accumulation of a mountain of evidence by unpaid netizens, the fattest rats started jumping ship in Mar, 2021, a year after the event.

Tedros went from: China’s commitment to transparency and supporting other countries .. is.. impressive, and beyond words.

(Mar31,2021) Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation.

In May, Ralph Baric, GoF bat-virus WIV collaborator, engineer suspect, who'd supported WIV to the hilt, suddenly released a statement saying:

theories of accidental release from a lab .. remain viable.

Fauci soon followed with his own ratty qualifications.

These subtle acknowledgements of the bleeding obvious sound innocuous, but they came off the back of a year of relentless,of  co-ordinated vilification by scientists of scientists - for THE Science - V - anyone who dared raise the possibility. Science.

God help you if you were a non-scientist

You were dismissed as irrelevant, outright BANNED by media from having any input into the seismic shift in humanity currently unfolding. 

Rule 1: There is only one God - who's pronoun is the sovereign authority of Expertism on Everything (scientists)

Rule 2: See rule 1

Existential threat  is an over-used media buzz-word - sobut heelllooo ....- we've got a live one!

Our freedoms being permanently vacuumed-up deleted  by The X-perts  - due to:  a virus caused/covered-up by The X-perts!perts.  Crime of the Century!Century happening in real time!

But all we hear now is radio silence*silence*

TheyThe alsoBackflip Olympics happened around the time as the normal Olympics - but less widely covered. 

Intriguingly, it came after Team WHO had completed their investigation on behalf of the world. world and announcedmounted a mega-platformed campaign to sell it. 

Main point:  a lab-leak wasis extremely unlikely and theythe n The GuardianX-perts had closed the lid on it.  

Dr. Peter Ben Embarek, WHO mission head declared, it was "not in the hypotheses that we will suggest for future studies".

All the others WHO-X-perts echoed those remarks

In other words, the lab-leak was dead to WHO.  Move on. 

As such, this subtle signalling from Tedros was actually a blaring betrayal for those who can translate Scio-pol expert-speak.

(Aside: Whatever you might think about Tedros, he’s a cunning old fuck - always survives - somehow - though his friends don’t.  How on earth can someone who was praising the CCP transparency to high-heaven, who ensured Covid escaped into the world by advising against border closures - how can that person keep his public-funded job? Not only did he keep it, he was elected unopposed (!) for another term.)

Tedros's subtle signalling sent shockwaves through the scientific community, the media, and politicians.   It precipitated thea unseemlyquiet scurryingrush behaviour we’ve recently witnessed byof the experts trying to distance themselves - from themselves. 

It was like watching footage from a mouse plague where the whole earth appears to scurry.

Typically, the scurriers recite the above remarks:Paraphrase:  It’s not that we ever dismissed a lab-leak entirely - extremely unlikely doesn't mean impossible - we never said that -  merely there was no evidence.

(Edit: there are some more nuanced ones evolving now:  we were afraid  - of political repercussions so we had to lie/play politics.  To the worldpolitics in its moment of need..  Same scientists who kept insisting they were taking the politics out.   Or - the cover-up was caused by a small group of scientists that managed to create a mass-illusion that duped us all - the so-called dumb fkn idiot defense.)

Caught in the precarious position of having to re-position, whilst desperately trying not to offend the CCP, theor experts were left slithering around in their own slime. 

Disturbingly, some ofupset the (very,Gravy very few) scientists who raisedTrain, the possibility of a lab-event are now the ones making excuses for all their colleagues who took the money then sold the world out.  The proffered excuse: they were afraid, the poor darlings. 

The gist is: We would have told the truth to help save the world in its moment of need,  but we couldn't,  coz we were busy being a pack of craven cowards acting politically to protect our financial interests.  But next time ....

The Covid Atrocity runs deeper than a small group of scientists.   It's a brazen lie to say otherwise.  Yet another Bait&Switch by truth-adverse scientists - who - God forbid - be subjected to an investigation by outsiders. 

The messaging is: Everything is fine, WHO's fine, all the nice scientists who did nothing are fine. Let's do the Wokey-Pokey ...

Ya put some Eelites in!

Ya take some Eelites out

Ya say - Mass-Illusion - then ya shake-it-all-about

Ya do the Wokey-Pokey then ya turn around ... !

That's what it's all about!


The fact that not a single university or research organization on the planet spoke up when it mattered is incontrovertible evidence that THE Science culture is rotten to the core. 

It cannot be fixed internally. 

Any attempt to do so is: scientists acting politically to protect their highly-paid, unaccountable world - same as it ever was.

Science can be saved - but not by scientists.  First stop is get the ethicists (philosophers/sociologists) in! 

Explain to scientists what 'truth' means (spoiler: doesn't mean  license-to-lie coz of my self-serving idea of a higher-truth).  From then on any tradie can tell you: ya gonna need to re-establish the foundation then the rebuild can begin, mate.

But i digress ... Back to the ship-jumpers ...

Despite the exodus of sci-X-perts from the good-ship WIV, a few notables decided to hang tough with the CCP.  

Double or nothing.  To the bitter end.

This is not an exhaustive list - only from those Celebrity Scientists we’ve looked at:

Daszak (WIV/EcoHealth)

Holmes - Sydney Uni - Prox-O co-author

Andersen - Scripps - Prox-O lead-author

Linfa Wang*

Dwyer (WHO/Westmead)

Nature (Mega-science platform)

That makes you wonder, what does the CCP have on these dudes? It can’t be just money.

Dwyer: Now of course it doesn’t mean that the outbreak actually started in Wuhan. .. It’s an easy assumption just to say, ‘It’s all in Wuhan’. (AKA Occam's Razor) .. It could have been brought into Wuhan either from .. other parts of Asia, or indeed, other parts of the world. (2:45) ..(A) number of detailed studies need to be done to work out was the virus in Wuhan in an unknown manner or cryptic manner .. could it have been in other parts of the world? (3:25)

Cryptic manner - that's a good one Dom.  It raises an interesting point.  Maybe it could have gotten into Wuhan from outside!  Say Made in USA, shipped/smuggled to Wuhan .  Note: smuggling viruses was common practice, according to Andersen in case you think it's far-fetched:

In several cases, international scientists .. transported (ebola) samples back to their home countries for further research, in many cases without permission or knowledge of the affected nations ().

The Bat Pack are international scientists.  Could have come from US, Aus, Singapore network very easily.  Let's not rule that out. 

In some ways it would help explain the organized scale of deceit. 

China called for an investigation of US bio-security practices in any further WHO Investigation - good idea.  US is the home of GoF.  Logical place to search. 

Bet you won't hear too many well-paid X-perts calling for that.  Imagine what wherepulled it mightoff lead?with aplomb.  They were helped by a compliant media that banned publication of dissent.