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JFK Memorial Hospital


Seattle Times: (T)he leading players on Stevens' team of doctors (were) Dr. Larry Bush and Dr. Barry Abrams, infectious-disease specialists, and Dr. Randall Wolff, director of JFK Medical Center's emergency department. 

Dr. Barry Abrams/Dr Larry M. Bush, co-authors Index Case of Fatal Inhalation of Anthrax due to Bioterrorism: Because (Robert Stevens) was disoriented at the time of his presentation, he was unable to provide further relevant information .. On physical examination (by rostered  doctors), he was found to be lethargic and disoriented

His temperature was 39°C (102.5°F), blood pressure was 150/80 mm Hg, pulse 110, respirations 18. Treatment with intravenous cefotaxime and vancomycin was initiated for presumed bacterial meningitis while the patient awaited lumbar puncture. No respiratory distress was noted.

Seattle Times:  (At 7am) Wolff walked into the ER to start his shift. He found Stevens convulsing just before he slipped into a coma. 

Index Case of Fatal Inhalation of Anthrax due to Bioterrorism: Within hours after admission, the patient had a generalized grand mal seizure and was intubated to protect his airway and so that ventilatory assistance could be provided.

Orlando Sentinel:  (same writer, dif version) Wolff performed a spinal tap, looking for hints in the spinal fluid that bathes the brain.

New York Times: Healthy spinal fluid is clear, but Mr. Stevens's was cloudy and cluttered with infection-fighting white blood cells.

Dr. Randall Wolff: That was the start of some sort of sign that something wasn't right.