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Doctor Bug

(under construction) Anthrax took-off as a media-hype story when tabloid photographer Bob Stevens from Florida was the first confirmed person murdered by it.

Three doctors from JFK Memorial Hospital diagnosed him, miraculously, actually, within 24 hours.  First Anthrax case in 30 years - but these dudes zeroed in on it with amazing alacrity - made the connection to Islamic bio-terrorism from the get-go - raised the alarm - that then fed the resultant media-frenzy, that then fed the funding explosion, war in Iraq, the war on privacy, tightened security, etc.

Of this heroic trio, Wolf and Abrams were subsequently convicted, of running, separate, Oxycontin drug-pushing dispensaries - while the third, Larry Bush, aka Doctor Bug, rode his Celebrity Scientist fame all the way to Covid (ended up heading AZ's - doctored -  push into the US). 

None of the above have ever been questioned in relation to the Anthrax investigation, which is strange. Then again, not, if your looking for Al Qeuda - or Saddam - or at worst, God forbid it's one of our own - in which case must be: a deranged loner acting alone