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Poem - Life navigtion
None of this ...
Conspiracy Theorism as Tactical Demonization: a THE Media case study
THE Media's approach to reporting on a recent shooting in Australia revealed more about their own push as Culture-controllers to clamp-down on dissidents than it did the shooting event
Peter Daszak: Batman
If Covid was an engineered bat virus, then EcoHealth Alliance, was at the heart of it. Daszak, as head of EHA, led the cover-up operation - aided by the world's largest media platforms. This book examines how The Guardian & Daszak used their immense power to ...
Origin Tracing - How hard can it be?
(under construction) Exposing the myth that origin tracing is (a) difficult (b) the exclusive domain of scientists
Who am i?
Performance poem about evil. In order to Order society, creating a Devil is way more important than God
Not Serious Poem
Plato's Cave
poem - must be read in a TV/Game Promo Voice. This tangented whilst editing Conclusion's chapter in Origin Tracing book - it became: too ridiculous - but still, not quite too ridiculous for words
Drone Update Poem
Your bio-update is ready
THE Covid Inquiry - Aussie-style
Under construction book - will add chapters over next couple of months
Wokey Pokey
alternative kindergarten songs - under construction - to be sung in normal happy way
Random Thoughts 2023
Overused Words
Random Thoughts 2024
Under compilement. Listed in reverse chronologically